hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)
2015-12-04 13:41:57※ 引述《hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)》之銘言:
: 官網
: http://darius.jp/dbcs/
: Steam頁面
: http://store.steampowered.com/app/377870
: Taito歷史悠久的STG太空戰鬥機系列在5年前推出街機新作之後一直都沒
: 有移植的消息出來,不過等到現在總算即將推出家用移植版
: (如果常去西門町湯姆熊的應該已經看過甚至有玩過這遊戲原本的街機版了)
: 雖然官網上是寫明年一月中才會發售,不過前一會就有消息傳出
: PC版和PS4/V的下載版會提早開賣,現在看來的確是不假
: 系統需求
: 最低:
: OS: Windows Vista/7/8
: Processor: Core 2 Duo E6400
: Graphics: Shader Model 2.0 Compatible, GeForce 8600GT
: DirectX: Version 9.0c
: Storage: 1800 MB available space
: Sound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card
: 建議配備:
: Additional Notes: Controller recommended
Graphics: Shader Model 2.0 Compatible, GeForce GT260X or better
Additional Notes: Controllers: XInput and DirectInput (Xbox or similar button
layout) controllers are supported. XInput controllers are recommended. ** Dire
ctInput controllers with more or fewer buttons might not have an ideal layout.
** Analog Stick buttons (pressing the sticks inward) are not recognized. - -
- Dual Monitors: To use dual-screen mode, 2 monitors supporting 1920x1080 are
necessary. It is possible to use monitors with a higher resolution, but 2 moni
tors set to 1920x1080 are recommended. ** Monitors with less than 1080 pixels
in vertical resolution are not supported. ** Dual monitors are only supported
for AC Mode.