1.So, we’ve decided to do just that – we’re excited to announce that the
survival game will now be calledH1Z1: Just Survive (略) We’re also excited
to announce that the fast-paced shooter comprised of multiple,
fight-to-the-death game modes, including Battle Royale, will be called
H1Z1: King of the Kill (KotK).
H1Z1 將會把生存跟BR 拆成兩個遊戲
生存 H1Z1: Just Survive
BR H1Z1: King of the Kill (KotK)
2.Anyone who already owns H1Z1 will be granted both versions and will see it
listed in your Steam games inventory on February 17th (the official day of
the split).
3.Starting February 17th, both games will be available as separate Early Access
titles for $19.99 each.
Q: Will H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill become Free-to-Play
games after they come out of Early Access?
H1Z1:JS跟H1Z1:KotK 在結束Early Access後會轉成免費遊戲嗎?
A: At this time, we do not have any plans to make either H1Z1: Just Survive
or H1Z1: King of the Kill Free-to-Play titles.