[新聞] Humble Bundle 取消周包制度

作者: cake10414 (Peter)   2016-03-11 03:21:42
With Humble Indie Bundle 16, we added a second bundle to our main page, and
we plan to follow that schedule going forward: offering a new two-week-long
bundle every week. Starting today, we will complete the transition with a new
tab layout for our site.
In an effort to make bundling even simpler, we now have two handy tabs: “
Games” and “Books.” Under those two tabs, you can find the different game
and book bundles.
While this does mean it’s time to bid farewell to our friend, the Humble
Weekly Bundle, we’ll continue to have have week-long bundles from time to
time as special promotions.
We invite you to click around a bit to get a feel for the new tabs. We know
there might be a small adjustment period, but maybe you can pass the time by
sipping on some, um, Tab?
Thank you for your support, and keep checking in for more bundles!
主要大意就是日後不會有Weekly頁面 周包將變成不固定促銷的組包
將改為雙主包制度 每個組包賣兩周 每周更新一個組包
作者: tribula (65+89)   2016-03-11 03:33:00
good... 不知不覺 組包類已經刷了3千多塊
作者: ctes940008 (蛤!我只是小兵!?)   2016-03-11 03:39:00
作者: mballen (柄柄)   2016-03-11 04:07:00
還OK 有包能買 都一樣 現在有月包 主包已經快玩不完了 雖然從來沒有玩完的那一天
作者: w60241 (小羽)   2016-03-11 06:44:00
本來還很期待今天的QQ 好吧~兩個組包也不錯
作者: kobi0910 (kobi)   2016-03-11 11:22:00
作者: w60241 (小羽)   2016-03-11 11:23:00
作者: JOLIN0105 (再忙也要跟你噗浪)   2016-03-11 11:54:00
作者: Huanger (黃人)   2016-03-11 19:08:00

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