germun (ger)
2016-10-04 08:42:44如題, beta 1.1已結束, 現已正式更新, 算是近期較大的更新
wiki 更新詳細參考. 可以直接看新建築
挑幾個比較重要的摘要簡單翻譯一下, 詳請看wiki
剩下的有空再補, 歡迎幫忙補充
ps. 現有存檔可延續, 新要素會自動更新, 除非你要開新類型的農場地圖
> Shane and Emily are now available to marry. They each have new events,
> music, and more!
Shane(牧場小妹妹的教父) 和 Emily 現在可結婚 (Clint表示: )
不過我相信各位玩家期待的是何時開放人妻Caroline (欸)
> Spouses now have a unique outdoor area and behavior on the farm.
now 配偶在農場有專屬的室外區域和行為模式
> You can now choose from 5 different farm maps at character creation. Each map
> is focused on a different skill area:
> Standard Farm – The original Stardew Valley farm.
> Riverland Farm – Lots of water, good for fishing.
> Forest Farm – Foraging opportunities and a unique weed that always drops
> mixed seeds.
> Hill-top Farm – Has a small mineral deposit from which ores spawn, including
> a unique geode-bearing ore.
> Wilderness Farm – Monsters spawn at night.
創角時除了原本的以外, 有4種新的農場可選擇
1. 河流型-農場有大量河流可釣魚
2. 森林型-有野生作物和種子可以撿
3. 丘陵型-有礦挖
4. 野原型-夜晚有怪出沒
相對地, 這些地形可耕地會比較小, 詳情見wiki和影片
> Shed” building… An empty room that can be decorated, filled with kegs,
> etc.
> Mill” building… Can be used to turn wheat into flour and beets into sugar
> overnight.
1. Shed - 一間空房, 隨意你擺放東西, 包含滿滿的釀酒桶
2. Mill - 磨坊, 終於可以磨麥粉和砂糖了
> A new quest that can be started after the Community Center or JojaMart quest
> arc is complete. The new quest results in a new “magical construction”
> feature available from the Wizard’s Tower. The new quest is triggered when
> you enter the Railroad area.
完成精靈或JojoMart任務, 及巫師都有新任務
> Added several new locations that are related to the above quest. “Junimo Hut
> ” building (Magical Construction). Junimos will harvest crops within a
> certain distance of the hut, instantly transporting the harvest back to the
> hut for you to gather at your convenience.
類似牧場物語的小精靈幫手 幫忙你自動收穫作物
> “Earth Obelisk” building (Magical Construction). A permanent warp totem to
> the mountains.
> “Water Obelisk” building (Magical Construction). A permanent warp totem to
> the beach.
非攜帶型無限次傳送圖騰 1.山上 2.海邊
完成某些條件後從巫師那購買, 當然是天價
> “Gold Clock” building (Magical Construction). Prevents weeds from spawning
> and fences from decaying on your farm.
時間停止器 (誤)
=> 雜草不會生長,柵欄不會壞
> You can now move your buildings via Robin’s construction menu.
> New house upgrade from Robin that adds a cellar to your house and teaches you
> the “cask” crafting recipe. In the cellar, you can use Casks to age cheese
> and alcohol, increasing their quality.
多一個地窖, 裡面放了很多遊戲攻略.....啊不是, 是你可以存放起司跟酒
越陳越香, 提升產品星星等級
ps. 升級不確定是原本3階再往上一階 or 額外一個新的加蓋
> “Iridium-star” level quality is now attainable for aged goods, fruit, and
> forage items (if you have the botanist perk). Iridium-star level items have
> twice the value of normal items.
物品星級再升一級, 金再上去不用說當然是...
> NPC’s now appreciate quality level in gifts, but it only has an effect on
> gifts they “like” or “love”.
禮物的星星品質現在會影響好感度增加的量, 當然是只限定對方喜歡的
> Added Coffee, a spring/summer crop, and Coffee Bean. The bean acts as the
> produce and the seed, similar to sunflowers.
> 5 Coffee beans can be added to a Keg to make coffee.
新增春/夏產的咖啡豆作物, 咖啡豆同時是種子也是作物.
類似Sunflowers那樣, 差別在於收穫時只有種子
> Honey can be placed in a keg to make mead.
> Void eggs can be placed in mayonnaise machines to make void mayonnaise.
(之前好像是金星產物 忘了)
> 2 new fish, “Void Salmon” and “Slimejack”
> You can now choose to color your chests with one of 20 color options.
寶箱可以上色了, 20種
> Evil Shrines, where you can make offerings in exchange for dark magic.
邪惡祭壇, 懶得翻詳見wiki
> Divorce. You can file from a little book in mayor’s house.
繼多p和多元成家後, 現在還可以離婚啦!
> You can now wallpaper the little hallways in your upgraded house.
裝飾的, 不重要
> When you beat Journey Of The Prairie King, you can now start over in a harder
> mode, keeping your upgrades and coins.
酒吧小遊戲 Journey Of The Prairie King 現在有困難模式
> 2 new “Lost Books”
> Krobus now sells a “Return Scepter”… a tool which acts as a permanent warp
> totem to the farm.
下水道的Krobus現在賣無限回卷....喔不, 是手杖, 攜帶式無限次傳回農場
> Giving someone a gift on their birthday will never make your spouse jealous.
> Pierre now sells a “Catalogue” furniture item that can be used for
> unlimited free access to all wallpapers and floors.
> Robin now sells a “Furniture Catalogue” furniture item that can be used for
> unlimited free access to nearly all furnitures.
> If you’ve found the Galaxy Sword, you can now buy another from Marlon. You
> can also buy the Galaxy Dagger and Galaxy Hammer.
當你得到神武後, 之後可以用買的
> Slime balls have a chance to drop petrified slime
> Added a graphics option to display “sharper” stack number digits.
遊戲圖形設定新選項, 不重要
> You can once again plant fruit trees around the edge of the Greenhouse
> interior.
自1.07版被取消後, 現在1.1版的溫室又可以在邊邊種樹了
> Fences take twice as long to decay.
=========== 以下平衡調整 ==========
Balance changes:
> All animal products are increased in value by 25%
> The Rancher profession now increases the value of animal products by 20%, up
> from 10%
動物相關產物價錢 25% up
牧場技能的價錢也從 10% => 20%
> The Blacksmith profession now increases the value of metal bars by 50%, up
> from 25%
鐵匠技能的金屬塊賣價提升從 25% => 50%
> The Artisan profession now increases the value of Artisan goods by 40%, down
> from 50%
加工物技能的物價提升效益從 50% => 40%
> The value of Blueberry is now 50g, down from 80g
藍莓大砍價從80g => 50g, 降超多, 之前太賺惹, 不過依然是最OP的作物
> The value of Starfruit is now 750g, down from 800g
> The value of Cranberry is now 75g, down from 130g
另一個砍了快一半價的OP作物, 雖然種子也變半價
> The value of Ancient Fruit is now 550g, down from 750g
> Cranberry Seeds now sell for 60g, down from 120g (The price to buy them from
> the store is the same)
> Sunflower can now be grown in the summer as well as the fall