XCOM 2 Controller Support Update is Now Live 11 月 8 日 - HINKLE2K Starting today, XCOM 2 on PC can now be played using a controller. XCOM 2 has plug & play compatibility with both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 controllers. Alternate controller options may require additional user adjustments. Fans have been requesting controller support and we’re glad to deliver. We have been hard at work tailoring the interface specifically for controllers so that it provides a level of comfort and accessibility that our players expect. The intel below shows exactly how controllers will work both in the strategy layer, as well as on the battlefield. This update includes: Adds traditional (non-Steam Controller) controller support to the PC Fix config/upk file issues that prevent full conversion mods from being possible on the Steam Workshop and also allow mods to have Bink files. In Alien Hunters, the "Ruler Reaction" notification will stay on the screen after a unit fires at the Archon King while he is using Icarus Drop during combat. SPARKS cannot be healed by Medikits Additional minor bug fixes 簡單來說 就是XCOM 2現在支援手把了 然後修了一些apk/config的問題 讓mod相容性變好(? 其實我不太懂那段的意思 修正了一些小bug 然後 SPARKS不能被醫療包補血了... 只能SPARKS用技能互補吧 之前就已經沒啥人在用了 還改這個... 然後這次更新居然有1.5G... 是有沒有這麼大 =__=