j901386 (SynSandra)
2016-12-13 11:35:5912/15更新檔上線
Tachanka got buffed and gets a shield on his LMG, it has 500hp.
Tachanka的機槍額外一片護盾(500血) 範圍是黑鬍子護盾的8倍大(配上三面機動護盾
配Bandit加Jager 誰能阻止他? 除非Fuze跑到樓上玩娃娃)
Blackbeard his shield gets destroyed in 1-2 bullets now, ADS is also slower. (
Shield previously had 150hp, now it has 60hp)
再砍一次黑鬍子 因為我們覺得這樣很酷 黑鬍子護盾砍成60血 大概1-2槍就破盾 舉槍動
Fuze now has three cluster charges and more range (the range of his cluster gr
enade has been increased from 2.5m to 4.2m, 4.2m not being lethal)
Fuze現在有3個俄羅斯娃娃 傷害距離加長到4.2m 但僅有原先2.5m範圍內即死 2.5m到4.2m
Bandit gets a fourth battery (previously three)
Glaz his OTs-03 got buffed (less recoil, faster ROF, extra mag)
Glaz的槍降低後座 增加射速以及增加子彈量
Smoke his canisters get thrown further now. (More like grenades)
Smoke的毒氣丟擲方式修改為接近手榴彈的方式(更快 更遠)
SMG buffs, less recoil. (UMP, Frost's 9mm, FMG-9 and Cav's M12)
Ump-45 Frost的9mm FMG-9 Cav的M12獲得buff 減少後座力
Shields can absorb explosives way better. (Impact grenades or way less powerfu
l, Nitro cell won't kill you if you are facing it.)
盾防炸能力提高(碰撞手榴彈對盾傷害減低 正面面對C4不會即死)
Free map: Bartlett University
好啦……黑鬍子這刀有點重 隨便一把Smg都能玩死黑鬍子 以後不能架洞正面上人了 因為
會瞬間破盾直接蒸發 轉角盾露出來大概就破了
沒看實況 僅翻譯reddit上的官方貼文