※ 引述《diy123 (Love ClariS~)》之銘言:
: 想請教一下各位板友
: 因為一直以來ff1-6及8在steam上都是鎖區狀態
: 剛剛看到humble store的廣告信說週末FF遊戲特價
: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/final-fantasy-weekend/
: 廣告信裡的FF3連結會直接轉到humble store首頁
: 所以我想大概是被鎖購買了
: 不過FF5卻可以正確的連到humble的產品頁
: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/final-fantasy-v
: 不知道是humble這邊忘了設定鎖區或是真的可以購買
: 如果真的能買的話
: key用在steam上不曉得會不會有問題
感謝 網友的資訊分享 , 正常在humble入手 FF6,並在 steam 啟動。
下面分享 論壇上,切換語言的方法,實驗過後,正常啟動繁中、日文的語言。
HXD... once downloaded you must follow steps mark by mog.
Once ((\Steam\userdata\______\382900\local\settings.bin)) is open by HXD:
You will see all numbers. Then you will see analyses (16).
You must to use 512 (its bandwith)
Once changed you will see only one line starting at left by 0000000 and
fine the 3C. Then change the number below (3C) by the language you want
as shown with this list:
00 = Japanese
01 = English
02 = (no text at all! - completely blank menus and dialogue)
03 = German
04 = French
05 = Italian
06 = Spanish
07 = Chinese Simplified
08 = Chinese Traditional
09 = Korean
0A = Thai
0B = Russian
0C = Portuguese Brazilian
FF6 也有買 iOS 版, 只是操作很不方便 就束之高閣, 看來可以用