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2017-11-08 22:43:41這次是跟避難所最相關的兩間公司:Vault-Tec和RobCo
《Vault-Tec Corporation Vault-Tec有限公司》
The Vault-Tec Corporation was a company contracted by the United States
government before the Great War to design and produce the vault system, a
vast network of complex bomb and research shelters.
Background 背景
The following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been
confirmed by canon sources.
Vault-Tec designed and constructed advanced technologies. It was a major
military contractor before the Great War, and as such, developed highly
experimental, advanced and secret technologies. In time, Vault-Tec became so
thoroughly integrated with top-secret military research done by the Pentagon
that it had practically become a department of the U.S. government. The
company still remained in private hands, but because of its strong connection
to the American government, the principal personnel of Vault-Tec - its
executives, top scientists, engineers, and so on - had to be aware of the
true purpose of the vaults and Project Safehouse.
Regardless of the American government's directives, Vault-Tec's high-ranking
personnel had no intention of submitting to a lottery and living underground
with a bunch of human cattle in the intentionally defective vault facilities
that they had constructed. Vault-Tec instead created their own private
emergency shelter facility for their top employees and their families,
removed from the larger vault network, and kept secret from the U.S.
government. This facility is now known as the Secret Vault.
Vault-Tec did not stop there. This secret, private installation was used to
research new, more advanced technologies that would benefit mankind in the
midst of post-nuclear environment. This initiative included some extensive
research with the "Forced Evolutionary Virus" (FEV), the results of which,
unlike the government-controlled research on the virus' uses at Vault 87, was
also kept secret from the government. It is known that the FEV stored in the
Secret Vault was highly modified in an attempt to achieve its original goals
and also avoid sterility among those subjects infected and mutated by it.
However, this modification proved unsuccessful.
Other Vault-Tec projects that were intended for the corporation's own use
included the development of their own robotic systems, a special biological
weapons program (the results of which were probably the creation of a unique
race of radroaches and a variation of the deathclaw), advanced biomedical
research on the effects of rapid cell regeneration, and even an attempt to
create a model of power armor to be used by Vault-Tec personnel.
End of information based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
Project Safehouse and the Societal Preservation Program
Vault-Tec's most notable product was the vault. Officially, the vaults were
part of “Project Safehouse”, designed to protect the American population
from nuclear holocaust. In actuality, they had a more sinister purpose, a
project known as the "Societal Preservation Program".
The vaults could not possibly have saved the citizens of the United States
from the ravages of a nuclear war or a viral pandemic. With a population of
almost 400 million by 2077, the U.S. would have needed over 400,000 Vaults to
protect every man, woman and child. Vault-Tec was commissioned by the
American government to build only 122 such vaults.
The true reason for the construction of the vaults was to allow the
government to secretly study pre-selected segments of the American
population, observe how they would react to the stresses of isolation, and
how successfully they would re-colonize the devastated Earth and stars after
the vault opened.
In addition, most vaults were designed to conduct often immoral experiments
on live human test subjects. The purposes and experiments carried out in each
vault varied. They included: the use of the FEV on an unwitting test
population (Vault 87), the development of super soldiers (Vault 92), the
creation of an entire population of human clones (Vault 108), Vault 101 was
subject to a "never to be opened" policy: the inhabitants were never going to
be allowed to leave, the frequent use of psychoactive drugs (Vault 106), the
extended use of a virtual reality simulator on a population (Vault 112), to
observe the effects of long-term cryogenic suspended animation on
unsuspecting test subjects (Vault 111), and so on.
This project was the work of the Enclave, a secret shadow organization of
federal officials and corporate executives that used the Vault-Tec company to
set up this sinister experiment. The Enclave considered themselves prime
candidates for recolonizing the world after a nuclear holocaust and to this
end commissioned the construction of their own shelters, isolated from the
vault network. The results of the vault experiments were intended to help
prepare the Enclave for either re-colonizing Earth or colonizing another
planet if Earth turned out to be uninhabitable.
The experiments were monitored by Vault-Tec researchers in separate
facilities. Sometimes select vault inhabitants (frequently the overseer) were
aware of the nature of the experiment and also gathered data.
The experiment may be considered a success in terms of the data collected:
data that was much more important to the Vault-Tec and Enclave scientists
than a few-hundred thousand lives. Perhaps they felt that the trade-off was
mutual, as most of the vault dwellers would have died anyway if not for the
Although the vaults were supposedly designed with longevity in mind, many
vaults had insufficient resources and are in dire need of repair. It is
uncertain whether or not the Vault-Tec vaults were actually supposed to
malfunction as many did, or whether they were deliberately ill-constructed.
It seems that the company may have focused its resources primarily on the
experimental vaults, leaving the control vaults with inferior materials and
little chance of survival. This may be why there were recurring problems with
water chips. Or it may be that over time, certain pieces of technology simply
wore out and broke. In many cases, such as Vault 3, the community's fate is
decided by a single malfunction.
The only known vaults to continuously function successfully are Vault 101,
Vault 112 and Vault 81. Their vault experiments were intended to continue
In the year 2077, Vault-Tec opened up an exhibit in Nuka-World. One of the
purposes of the attraction was to draw in more vault customers, but visitors
and staff were subjected to radiation, subliminal messages, toxins, and
brainwave disruption as part of Vault-Tec's grand scheme.
Known products 已知產品
‧ The vaults 避難所
‧ Equipment and supplies for the vaults 避難所裝備和補給物
‧ Nutritional Alternate Paste Program (NAPP) food paste developed by
Vault-Tec in conjunction with the federal government.
‧ Garden of Eden Creation Kit or G.E.C.K., developed by Future-Tec, a
division of Vault-Tec.
‧ Vault-Tec vending machine 自動售貨機
‧ The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System or V.A.T.S. 輔助瞄準系統
‧ Vault-Tec promotional lunchbox 午餐盒
‧ Vault-Tec t-shirts衣服
‧ Vault-Tec golf tees 高爾夫球座
‧ Vault-Tec promotional Vault Boy bobbleheads. Vault Boy搖頭娃娃
‧ Vault-Tec bobblehead collector's stand 搖頭娃娃收集台
‧ Vault-Tec limited edition snow globes 限量版雪球
‧ ZAX AI units (In Fallout 3, President John Henry Eden is a ZAX computer
ZAX AI(像是Fallout 3的John Henry Eden總統)
‧ Survival handbooks, including the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide
‧ Vault-Tec employee handbook 員工手冊
‧ Tranquility Lane simulation 寧靜巷模擬系統
‧ Series 1000 shelter 1000型屏障
(以下出自Vault-Tec Workshop,請有玩過Fallout 4的人提供正確譯名,感謝)
‧ Vault-Tec Population Management System 人口管理系統
‧ Vault-Tec water pump 水汞
‧ Vault-Tec reactor 反應爐
‧ Vault-Tec super-reactor 超級反應爐
‧ Power Cycle 1000 動力輪1000
‧ Soda fountain 蘇打泉
‧ Phoropter 綜合驗光儀
Known locations 已知地點
Vault-Tec national headquarters is located near their demonstration vault in
Los Angeles. They have at least two regional headquarters: one for the
Columbia Commonwealth in Washington, D.C., and a second for the New England
Commonwealth in Boston. The company also opened an attraction in the
Nuka-World amusement park, depicting the concept of an extraterrestrial
amusement park(求譯名)開了一個展覽以展示外星殖民地的概念。
《RobCo Industries RobCo企業》
RobCo Industries was one of the largest and most influential computer and
robotics corporations in the pre-War United States. The company’s name is
either an abbreviation of “Robot Company”, was named after its founder,
Robert House, the eventual master of New Vegas, or could potentially be a
combination of the two.
來自”Robot Company”(機器人公司)的縮寫、來自其創始人及新維加斯真正主人.
Robert House、或者兩者皆有。
Background 背景
Founded on June 25, 2042 by industrialist and inventor Robert House, RobCo
quickly soared through the ranks of the world’s most profitable and powerful
corporations, rivaling the likes of Poseidon Energy within several years. By
2077, RobCo’s patented software and robotics designs had become a
cornerstone of American industry, as exemplified by the widespread use of
RobCo’s Unified Operating System in most American computer systems in the
years leading up to the Great War.
RobCo在2042年6月25號由實業家及投資家的Robert House所建立,並很快躋身於全球最賺
The company had numerous joint design and manufacturing ventures, including
developing the Pip-Boy for Vault-Tec and the Liberty Prime project with
General Atomics International and the U.S. Army. In 2075, RobCo purchased
REPCONN Aerospace, allowing the company to enter the aerospace industry.
Products 產品
‧ Pip-Boy 1.0 嗶嗶小子1.0
‧ Pip-Boy 2000 嗶嗶小子2000
‧ Pip-Boy 3000 嗶嗶小子3000
‧ Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV 嗶嗶小子3000馬克IV型
‧ Pimp-Boy 3 Billion 皮條小子三億
‧ Stealth Boy 3001 隱形小子3001
‧ Protectron 保護機器人
‧ Eyebot 眼球機器人
‧ Unified Operating System (UOS) 解鎖需要科技100點
‧ Pip-OS v7.1.0.8 如題
‧ Liberty Prime (with General Atomics) 攻擊自由鋼彈
‧ RobCo Reflectron 特徵放映機
‧ PDQ-88b Securitron PDQ-88b保安機器人
‧ Sentry bot 哨衛機器人
‧ Assaultron 突擊機器人(求Fallout4譯名)
‧ RobCo NX-12 terminal NX-12終端機
‧ RobCo E-330 terminal E-330終端機
‧ RobCo E-601 terminal E-601終端機
‧ RobCo RX-6550 terminal RX-6550終端機
‧ RobCo RX-9000 terminal RX-9000終端機
‧ Star core 星核(求Fallout4譯名)
(剩下Lil’Pip 3000和PIP-Pad都不是正史的東西)