Re: [翻譯] Fallout Vault系列:22號避難所

作者: suaowilliam (蘇澳威廉)   2017-11-22 11:36:33
※ 引述《o07608 (無良記者)》之銘言:
: Background 背景
: Designed as a green Vault, people selected for populating the Vault were all
: dedicated to one goal: Sustaining the Vault population with plants grown
: within its confines. Some of their most successful experiments were, in fact,
: donated by defense contractors, such as the fungus that would eventually
: become the Vault's undoing.
: 22號避難所是個綠化避難所,被挑進去的居民都只為一個目標而努力:在避難所室內中靠
: 植物來支撐整個人口。但他們最成功的研究卻是把植物變成防禦設施,像是最後摧毀整個
: 避難所的菌類。
Defense contractors是"國防承包商"的意思,
Robco (Mr. House的公司,生產機器人,軍用產品包含Protectron、Sentry Bot)
General Atomics (一樣是機器人大廠,軍用產品有Mr. Gutsy)
Vault-tec (這間大家都很熟了...)
West Tek (動力裝甲科技、強制進化病毒)
Poseidon Energy (能源供應、能量武器研究、外太空武器平台HELIOS ONE)
Big MT (...還需多言嗎?)
: As with many technologies coming out of the Big MT, the fungus was a
: Pandora's box. Once the Vault scientists began experimentation with the
: fungus after the Great War, they effectively signed their death warrant.
: While ostensibly designed to provide effective means of long-term pest
: control, the fungus was perfectly capable of infecting human bodies. Fungal
: spores gradually spread through the Vault, slowly infecting the population.
: The first confirmed infection was Dr. Harrison Peters, who also provided
: insight into the development of the infection. It begins with pneumonia as
: the fungus invades the lungs, eventually transforming into chills, a fever,
: and a terrible racking cough. The fungal colony causes the body to actively
: reject anti-fungal treatments, leading to death due to organ failure. As with
: smaller pests, the fungal colony continues to grow and develop. Eventually,
: it spreads far enough to establish control over the deceased person's body,
: becoming a highly aggressive spore carrier, a mindless beast whose sole
: purpose is spreading the spores. The untreatable infection baffled the
: scientists and spread through the Vault like wildfire.
: Beauveria Mordicana跟一堆從Big MT流出來的科技一樣是潘朵拉的盒子,當避難所科學
: 家在大戰後開始進行實驗時,他們等同俐落的簽了自己的死亡證明。表面上菌類的確能在
: 長期有效控制蟲害,但它們也能感染人。孢子很快就散佈整個避難所,緩緩感染所有人。
: 第一個可確認病例是Harrison Peters博士,他同時也洞見感染的發展。一開始菌類入侵
: 肺部引發肺炎,然後身體發寒、發燒和可怕的咳嗽,菌類還會使身體主動拒絕對其有危險
: 的治療措施,最後因器官衰竭而死。而就跟蟲一樣,菌類會繼續在屍體上擴張成長,最後
: 足以控制屍體使之變成高度侵略性的孢子攜帶者,一個只管傳播孢子的無心智野獸。科學
: 家對這種感染束手無策,最後感染像野火一樣席捲整個避難所。
我不認為Dr. Harrison Peters真的有"洞見"什麼東西,
"第一個可確認病例是Harrison Peters博士,他的病歷讓人們一窺究竟,
這邊"Insight"的提供者是Harrison Peters的"病歷",不是他本人,
這邊Provide an insight指的應該是從"...中獲得某種情報/資訊/知識"的意味。
: Randall Clark, the guardian of the valley, was desperate to help the Mexican
: survivors. Over the next two days, he surveyed the area. Vault 22 dwellers
: were organized well, with patrols and sentries set up along all approaches
: into the camp, except for the stream. The coughing among the dwellers puzzled
: Clark, but he ignored it as he prepared to save the surviving Mexicans. He
: went into the camp on February 14th. What he saw snapped something inside
: him. The Vault 22 dwellers killed and ate everyone they took from the Mexican
: survivors' camp. Clark retaliated, waging a brutal war of attrition against
: them. With his rifle in hand and all the explosives he could use, he ambushed
: the dwellers where he could and booby trapped bodies and weapons he could not
: take. By the end of February, he killed 24 dwellers in a cold, merciless
: campaign of vengeance. In the ten days it took to accomplish this, he only
: suffered one wound: a 10mm steel jacket round through the thigh, thankfully
: missing the femoral. Though he remained unseen by survivors, he was forced to
: move camp when on March 2nd, a small patrol nearly uncovered his camp in the
: cave when one of their men was caught in a deadfall trap. Panic fire almost
: hit him. After he disposed of the intruders, he moved camp to Cueva Guarache.
: Victory came ten months later. After losing six concurrent Overseers and more
: than eighty members of the group to Clark and sickness, the dwellers gave up
: and fled the canyon, after eating their dead for nourishment. History loses
: track of them past that point, maybe for the better. Occasionally, damaged
: PIP-Boys and jumpsuits from the vault would find their way into the hands of
: prospectors.
: Randall Clark,峽谷的守衛者,拼死想幫助這群墨西哥難民。他在接下來兩天調查這個
: 地方,22號避難所的居民裝備齊全,並在除了河流以外的所有營地出入口都設置巡邏和哨
: 兵。雖然他們的咳嗽讓Clark很困惑,但這不在他的援救計畫的考量之內。他在2月14號進
: 入營地,而他看到的景象使他心中有種東西被點燃了:22號避難所的居民把所有墨西哥難
: 民俘虜殺掉且分食。Clark發動報復,對他們發起一場消滅邪惡的殘忍戰爭。他用手上的
: 來福槍和自己所有的爆裂物,在所有他能到的地方伏擊他們,並在他到不了的地方設陷阱
: 對付他們(譯註:這句求修正)。到2月底時,他冷酷、無慈悲的復仇殺了24個人,而在
: 這十天中他只有在大腿中了一槍,還沒打到動脈。雖然Clark一直沒被找到,但在3月2號
: 時,有一小隊巡邏隊差點找到他在山洞裡的營地,因為有個人在那附近中了落穴陷阱。驚
: 慌的還擊火力差點打到他,逼的他不得不轉移營地。在處理掉入侵者後,他把營地轉移到
: Cueva Guarache。十個月後他獲得了勝利,在因Clark和疾病而先後失去六名監督和超過
: 80人後,22號避難所居民在為了營養吃掉屍體後,放棄並逃離了峽谷。此後這群人在歷史
: 上失去蹤跡,這樣也許比較好。外面的人偶爾會發現壞掉的22號避難所嗶嗶小子和連身服
: =======================================
: 先預告一下,明天Vault系列暫停一次
: 請大家指正我的翻譯內容,感謝
作者: SeijyaKijin (代時上克下的鬼邪天opeop)   2017-11-22 12:53:00
作者: o07608 (無良記者)   2017-11-22 12:59:00
第一段那邊我當初雖然知道那個意思是承包商,但看不出來到底哪間公司跟V22有關係,就決定無視了,如果把Big MT算進去的話就說的通了感謝指正,回去之後我慢慢改
作者: fallengunman (未成眠,霜空已曉)   2017-11-22 13:33:00
作者: yscleria (XanaduAlpha)   2017-11-22 18:15:00
版上高手雲集~ 話說我有朋友在雷神 雷達也是它們強項
作者: playerlin (PlayerLin)   2017-11-22 20:04:00
Clark那段其實我只看中文感覺語意有點奇怪,但是意思接近我就不管了。 其實這系列我沒時間對英文看語意對不對就是... *茶*

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