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半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
Vault 75 75號避難所(Fallout 4)
Vault 75 is one of the Vaults constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation. It is
located in Malden, Massachusetts, in the basement of Malden Middle School.
Background 背景
Mission 任務
WASHINGTON DC - In response to growing national concern for the safety of our
children in the event of a nuclear attack, Vault-Tec officials have
cooperated with local government in Malden, Massachusetts to provide
subsidized enrollment fees for any families wishing to sign up for residency
in Vault 75. The newly-opened Vault is attached directly to Malden's
Elementary School, ensuring a swift evacuation should an attack come during
class time.
”— Official press release 官方報紙
The authorized special discounts and subsidies for qualifying families were
only extended to families meeting the following requirements: One or more
enrolled family members are children under the age of 15, enrolled children
attend public school within the township of Malden, Mass. and it includes no
more than two adults per qualifying child. Although they permitted the
individual enrollment of children for families which couldn't afford to also
enroll a parent or guardian. Of course this was just all a front for another
grand, unethical experiment.
In reality, the Vault was commissioned by the United States military to
experiment on children to breed battle-ready super-soldiers who would obey
orders without a second thought. Built as a long term sealed environment, it
was envisioned as a laboratory focusing on human genome improvement through a
combination of selective breeding, hormonal treatments, genetic modification,
and an accelerated generational cycle, under the command of an Overseer with
a military background. Researchers and science staff were isolated from test
subjects (88 dwellers in total), who were disposed of at 18 years of age
unless used to replenish research staff or for breeding the next generation
of Vault-dwellers.
Operations 行動
Upon activation of the Vault on October 23, 2077, the future Vault dwellers
were admitted to the Vault and underwent standard admission protocols:
Verification, decontamination, and other necessary measures to ensure their
general health. Per experimental guidelines, children under the age of 17
were taken to the atrium to meet the Overseer and undergo orientation,
including introduction to caretaker robots and sleeping facilities. Other
residents were taken to the holding area and executed by the security staff.
The same fate awaited those children who refused to be separated from the
parents and remained in the bulkhead area.
The project began a week after the Great War. With the parents and young
adults culled, the Vault started with a sizable pool of residents and a
capable, if morally bankrupt Vault-Tec staff. The two groups were intended to
stay isolated from one another, particularly from physical contact, with one
exception: The Overseer was required to participate directly in routine
storytimes each evening to establish themselves as a paternal figure to the
children and help them cope with distress in the early days of internment (in
addition to the standard Vault-Tec Childcare consolation protocols). In order
to achieve the mission outlined by the Army and Vault-Tec, the Overseer
followed six directives:
1. Residents aged 18 and older must be removed from the general population
2. Residents who have exhibited genetic promise are to be preserved for
genome harvesting and reintegration.
3. Residents of average genetic promise but high intelligence and docility
may be recruited to the Research staff at Overseer discretion.
4. All other Residents to be removed must be culled.
5. Research staff is responsible for cultivating embryo replacements to
maintain consitent resident population numbers.
6. Vault 75 is to remain sealed until an all-clear order is issued by
In order to determine genetic promise, residents were subjected to an intense
training regimen and carefully balanced diet in order to develop their
physical traits and combat skills. Their aptitude was carefully determined
using a battery of tests, including strenuous exercises, schooling in the art
of war, and simulated combat in a specially constructed gun range. In order
to maintain control over the test subjects, they were indoctrinated with
fairy tales placing them as heroes-to-be, intended to save the surface world
(Uptopland) and make it a happy and safe place for all. As can be seen in the
directives, the reality was far cry from this ideal picture.
To begin with, testing would only cease in the effect of cardiac arrest or
death. Residents over the age of 18 would be removed from the population by
means of a "graduation" ritual, presented by the staff as a ceremonial rite
of passage, sending them topside to aid the surface in reestablishing
civilization. Outgoing subjects were removed one by one from the main living
area and taken to the secure staff area, where their fate was determined by
their rating. Ratings were an aggregate encompassing physical, intellectual
and social prowess. Those with an Excellent or Superior score would be taken
to the genomics lab for harvesting, euthanized by a fake vaccination. Their
genetic material would be used in a new generation of test subjects, created
by in vitro fertilization. Subjects with an Excellent or Superior rating in
intelligence and high docility would be selected to replenish the ranks of
the staff. Everyone else would be killed.
The replenishment of the science staff by relying on the resident pool was
anticipated by the designers. Candidates meeting the criteria were selected
at the discretion of the Overseer and the Chief Scientist. Those who did not
agree were disposed along with inferior graduates. Those who did were
separated from the general population in junior research positions, such as
Observation deck or transcription duties, for a period of at least 15 years
to prevent test subjects from recognizing them. They would undergo strict
training in a variety of science disciplines, with many quickly developing a
sense of maturity separating them from their peers. Of course, for security
reasons, they were not informed of the precise nature of the experiments
taking place in the Vault, with most still believing they were creating
warriors to help protect the surface.
Collapse 崩潰
The experiment continued for years, with new generations of soldiers being
bred, tested, and harvested or disposed of. The children continued to believe
they were being trained to become heroes, saving the people of the surface
from monsters and bandits. They ran the combat simulation, learning firearms,
shooting holographic targets, like lab rats in a giant maze. The scientists
were slowly engineering their own demise. The last genetic harvest under
Chief Scientist Gibson brought in exceptional genetic material. "Only" 74% of
graduating test subjects were disqualified as inferior, with the remainder
harvested and one recruited for the scientific staff. Many of vital organ
initiatives paying dividends, meeting goals thought a decade off. The
children were strong, fast, resistant to pain, with increasing resistance to
cardiac arrest under duress, with the only problem highlighted by Gibson
being aggression levels; The latest group of graduates suffered from a high
incidence of psychological breakdown. The proposed solution included
including stronger tranquilizers in the food supply, but it would be a cause
of too little, too late.
Washington was the only science staff recruit from the graduation class,
selected due to his good problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as
well as his high susceptibility to suggestion. Although the Overseer viewed
his attachment to the younger population as a problem, Gibson dismissed these
concerns, assigning him to the observation deck and planning to keep him in
the dark until he was ready to be accepted as a full researcher. For the time
being, he would oversee aerobic tests and handle manual labor, like
incinerating the remains of the inferior graduates. He did not notice the
nature of the incinerated material. This negligence would also result in him
failing to report the scheming of two of his fellow peers: James S. and Rohit
Jame S.和Rohit L.。
The two lab assistants were part of the test subject population, in charge of
the gun range. Working on the range aroused their suspicions about the two
started to prepare an insurrection. Washington's negligence allowed them to
mess with the combat trial system allowed them to continue unhindered, slowly
stockpiling ammunition from the range to create improvised explosives.
Rohit's plan was to dispose of the Overseer and any helpers they might have.
The discovery of laboratory notes lost by Supervisor Bissell only spurred
them to intensify work on breaking out of the Vault. After recruiting the
rest of the residents, they were almost ready for the attack, even if they
had to face Superiors or robots on the way. Once they ensured the youngest
kids were out of harm's way, coordinating with Alma L. to keep them occupied
during the attack, they breached the secure door leading into the restricted
section. The scientists could not fight back, with many killed at their work
stations. The children were free, however, their fates are unknown.
了剩下的居民後,就算要面對大人或機器人,他們也準備要發動攻擊了。他們讓Alma L.
Gunners 槍手
The fate of the Vault itself is, however. With the Gunners expanding their
operations throughout the Commonwealth, Vault 75 became an obvious choice for
a strongpoint once they located it. Renovating the systems and clearing much
of the debris that remained in place, the garrison began to convert it into a
proper military bunker. In 2287, they are in the process of clearing out the
children's toys and other remnants of the experiment, while bringing in
weapons and Gunner equipment to fortify the Vault.
光看the vault wiki的敘述的話,這個避難所實驗也太多可以吐嘈的地方了
Jame S.和Rohit L.偷彈藥做爆裂物搞起義啥的,好像跟他完全沒關係吧