o07608 (無良記者)
2017-12-02 01:24:09Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~Gary~
正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫
半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
Vault 106 106避難所(Fallout 3)
Vault 106 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults located in the Capital Wasteland. It
is located within a large cavern southeast of Arefu, directly south of
Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast, and a bit north of Jury Street Metro station.
106避難所位於首都廢土、Arefu東南方一個大洞之中,在Kaelyn’s Bed & Breakfast正
南方、Jury Street Metro station 稍微偏北方。
Background 背景
Finished in just five years (construction began in March 2064 and finished in
December 2069), Vault number 106 was designed to hold a total of 107
inhabitants: 95 test subjects and 12 researchers, with a projected duration
of 147 months (12 years and 3 months) from the moment of sealing. The Vault's
subsystems included the Think Machine 2800x as the central computer unit,
with power provided by (primarily) Rok-Solid brand geo-thermal and
(secondarily) an General Atomics nuclear power plant. Dr. Albert Leris, head
of Vault-Tec's Psychological Research Department was designated Overseer. All
references to the Vault experiment were redacted and kept under strict
information control by Leris.
Machine 2800x作為中央電腦,Rok-Solid 地熱發電廠作為主要能源、通用原子核電廠作
為次要能源。Vault-Tec心理研究部門的領導Albert Leris博士是第一任監督,所有跟106
The reason was simple: The experiment involved pumping psychoactive drugs
into the circulation system ten days after the Vault sealed. When the door
sealed, preparations for the release were undertaken. Control sequence 46-2A,
as it was referred to, required preparation from the entire Vault security
and medical staff. Once the preparations were completed, the drug was
released into the circulation system at 1530 hours, with the emission
concluding at 1600. Residents were not notified of the release, with any
strange effects being dismissed as the result of an irregularity in the
filtration system.
The release had disastrous effects. While many dwellers succumbed to a
relaxed, hallucinogenic state, some began to behave bizarrely and even
aggressively. The Security Chief tried to contain the situation and advised
anyone not affected by the gas to take shelter.
Ultimately, the security team failed to contain the situation and the Vault
perished under the pressure of drug-addled, psychotic victims of the
experiment. For two centuries, unwary travelers and scavengers entered the
Vault, only to succumb to the effects of the drugs and wander the halls of
the ruined bunker, convinced they are the original dwellers.
Vault 108 108避難所(Fallout 3)
Vault 108 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults in the Capital Wasteland. It is
located south of Canterbury Commons and northeast of the Corvega factory.
108避難所位於首都廢土、Canterbury Commons南方和Corvega factory東北方。
Background 背景
Vault 108 began construction sometime in March of 2061, and saw partial
completion sometime in December of 2069 due to work stoppage. Designed for
475 occupants and a lifetime of 38 years, the shelter was powered by a
General Atomics nuclear power unit with a Steam Whistle mini Geo-thermal set
providing backup. The armory was overstocked (triple the amount of gear) as
part of the vault's overall experimental process.
,以通用原子核電廠作為動力源、Steam Whistle微型地熱發電廠作為備用能源。武器庫
The premise of the vault's experiment was explained to study conflict for
leadership and power in a given vault or similar setting. The vault overseer,
Brody Jones, was known to have a genetic predisposition for a rare form of
cancer that was expected to kill him within 40 months of the experiment's
inception. Standard positions of authority in the vault went unassigned, and
complete discretion was given to the overseer. The main power supply was also
scheduled to malfunction after 240 months (20 years while the vault was
planned to be sealed for 38), and the back-up power supply was intentionally
insufficient to meet the vault's needs. On top of all this, the vault was
given three times the normal armory stock, and no entertainment recordings.
However, doom to the vault came from a different direction than the
experiment was originally planning for. An extensive and overly ambitious
cloning experiment was undertaken by the dwellers at their own discretion,
which created a series of fifty four clones, though imperfections in the
process resulted in the copies eventually becoming insane and violent. When
the observation rooms filled up, the scientists in charge decided to dispose
of the clones... Which promptly turned them on their own makers, wiping out
most of the vault's non-clone population, and forcing the survivors out into
the wastes. The list of victims included Dr. Peterson, one of the first
doctors to be injured by a violent clone.
The clones were left to rot in the vault, with the sole exception of Gary 23,
who was abducted by Defender Morrill for the Outcasts' excavation efforts at
the Virtual Strategic Solutions, Inc. facility.
複製人們被留在避難所內直到死亡,除了Gary 23,他被防衛者Morrill綁走以幫Outcast
挖掘Virtual Strategic Solution企業設施。
Vault 111 111避難所(Fallout 4)
Vault 111 is a vault-series fallout shelter developed by Vault-Tec. It is
located overlooking Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts.
111避難所位於麻州,能俯瞰Sanctuary Hills。
Background 背景
Vault-Tec designed Vault 111 to observe the effects of long-term cryogenic
suspended animation on unsuspecting test subjects. Vault 111's staff
consisted of an overseer and a small team of scientists, security guards and
facility maintenance personnel employed on a short-term basis. Test subjects
were lured to Vault 111 from the nearby neighborhoods of Sanctuary Hills and
Concord and were placed in stasis pods after being told deceitfully that the
purpose of the pods was for decontamination.
According to Vault-Tec standard operating procedures, Vault 111 was to remain
sealed for a minimum of 180 days, after which the vault could be opened upon
receipt of an "All-Clear Signal" from Vault-Tec or at the overseer's
discretion. However, after the 180-day mandatory shelter period elapsed,
Vault 111 received no all-clear signal and its staff faced dwindling
supplies. Despite requests from the security staff, the overseer refused to
unseal the vault door, concerned that the radiation outside the vault had not
declined enough to be survivable. Shortly after, a faction led by the vault's
security and support staff engaged in mutiny against the overseer in an
effort to unseal the vault door and leave the vault. In response, the
overseer placed the vault on lock down and asked all staff to hand over any
food, weapons and medicine. It is unclear whether the mutiny was successful
as the logs end here on both the security terminal and the overseer's
After witnessing the murder of their spouse and the kidnapping of their
child, the Sole Survivor awakens in Vault 111 after being held in cryogenic
stasis for 210 years. Upon accessing the Vault 111 monitoring terminal, they
learn that all of the other subjects that had entered the vault, except for
themselves, their spouse and their child, had died of "asphyxiation due to
life support failure." In the Dangerous Minds quest, the Sole Survivor
discovers that the mercenary who shot their spouse, Conrad Kellogg, was
directed not to deactivate the life support for the other residents and not
to release them. 60 years later, due to an 'error' in Vault 111, the Sole
Survivor is released from cryo-stasis and escapes. However, it is later
revealed that the release was in fact a personal choice made by Shaun, now
director of the Institute, and not an error of the vault as initially
的窒息」。在Dangerous Minds任務中,獨活者發現射殺她配偶的傭兵Conrad Kellogg,