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2018-05-30 19:55:41昨天發的Timeline正好到Great War的前一天
正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫
半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
Great War 大戰(Fallout Everywhere)
“War. War never changes.”
The Great War was a global thermonuclear war caused by the Sino-American War.
It resulted in the destruction of all participating nations and abroad,
global disruption of climate, and billions of casualties as a result of
nuclear blasts, exposure to radiation, and subsequent collapse of social and
government structures. Mankind was set back several hundred years in the span
of just two hours.
Prelude 序幕
The nuclear holocaust was a direct result of the Sino-American War, a
decade-long conflict that left both the United States and China exhausted. By
2077, a combination of attrition, loss of supply routes, and offensives
conducted by the United States across the front, left Chinese units in Alaska
stranded and cut off from reinforcements. The liberation of Anchorage
spearheaded by winterized T-51 power armor units under the command of General
Constantine Chase marked the end of the Anchorage Reclamation, after a decade
of war. General Jingwei, commander of the Alaskan theater, was killed in
入泥淖並無法得到增援。Constantine Chase將軍率領的冬季T-51動力裝甲先鋒部隊解放
The campaign in mainland China, which began with the amphibious landings at
Shantou in 2074, was reinvigorated by gaining ground in Alaska and the
deployment of T-51 units. However, as American soldiers pushed deeper into
the mainland, Chinese resistance increased. By October, the situation
transitioned from a rout into a stalemate. Despite a decade of war, there was
no end in sight. Billions of dollars and thousands of casualties were spent
in vain, despite taxes and various wartime revenues ensuring the Federal
government was been able to fund a standing army the likes of which the
United States had never seen before. In a desperate attempt to bolster the
offensive and break the stalemate, bases across the United States were sealed
and troops redeployed to provide more men for the meat grinder.
The situation was made worse by the fact that the oligarchs ruling the United
States retreated to remote locations around the globe, expecting a last-ditch
nuclear strike from China at any moment. The oil rig of the Californian coast
was claimed by the President and key members of the junta, becoming the
foundation of the future Enclave. The United States was leaderless,
continuing on simply due through inertia. Roger Maxson's rebellion went
unnoticed, despite a declaration of secession and open rebellion. Nuclear war
was inevitable, a fact determined by Robert House back in 2065, who arrived
at the conclusion that a nuclear war was inevitable by 2080, at most.
射核彈以做最後一搏。失去領導者的美國僅僅因慣性而還能運作,像Roger Maxson雖然公
開宣告他的部隊要叛離美軍,卻沒有得到任何回應。Robert House在2065年就預測核戰已
Events 事件
Pressed against the wall with nothing to lose, the Chinese finally launched a
nuclear first strike on October 23, 2077, in a last-ditch effort to knock
America out of the game. The first Chinese subs were identified by the United
States Pacific Fleet at 00:03 EST off the coast of California, moving into
position. At 03:37 EST, a squadron of high-altitude bombers was sighted off
the Bering Strait.
Six hours later, at 09:13 EST, the Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection
System detected the first four missile launches and the United States went to
DEFCON 2. Four minutes later, NORAD confirmation sealed the fate of the
world. At 09:26 EST, the President ordered a retaliatory strike according to
scenario MX-CN91. As American weapons were launched, the first Chinese nukes
hit in Pennsylvania and New York at 09:42 EST. By 09:47 EST, most American
facilities went offline.
The nuclear exchange continued for two hours, until silence fell across the
land. Both China and the United States were destroyed. The entire world had
been blanketed with multiple nuclear strikes, most cities being hit multiple
times, and the world being irrevocably changed.
Aftermath 餘波
Environment 環境
The results of the nuclear war were devastating, as they combined with
biological and chemical weapons that saw widespread use during the
Sino-American War. The most significant result was a global climate shift,
manifesting as extensive desertification, particularly in New California.
What was once the richest and important agricultural region saw many aquifers
dry up and vast stretches of arable land turning to deserts. The Central
Valley, the largest and most fertile valley in California, became a barren
wasteland in the wake of the climate change.
The changes in climate led to widespread alterations of the ecosystem. The
new climate meant that many plants could no longer grow or be cultivated,
ranging from common vegetables to specialized crops, such as coca plants or
opium poppies. Due to necessity, crop variants mutated by radiation were
adopted by survivors, including mutated cabbage and maize. These cultivars
thrived in the warm weather of the Southwest, with similar mutations
proliferating across the colder climates of the northern reaches of the
Animals were also adversely affected. The combination of radioactive fallout
and various local mutagens, particularly the Forced Evolutionary Virus in New
California, led to widespread mutation. By 2080, new species were created
almost overnight, replacing animals that died out or were out-competed. The
most notable mutated species to emerge from this melting pot of genotypes is
the venerable Brahmin, a mutated Indian Brahman cattle variant. Once the
mutation stabilized, the brahmin turned out to be well suited for the harsh
conditions of the wasteland, requiring little water and relatively small
grazing areas, while providing plenty in return, including milk, meat,
leather, bone, transportation et cetera. As such, it rapidly became the most
widespread livestock animal in New California and the backbone of many a
wasteland economy.
Humans 人類
The impact on humanity and civilization was severe and traumatic. Although
emergency response units and elements of the National Guard were mobilized in
the evening of October 22, their ability to provide aid to victims and
refugees was hampered by the lack of centralized command and control
resulting from electromagnetic pulses disabling most communications
equipment. Despite efforts by the military to bolster relief efforts, the
shock of the nuclear attack resulted in their morale crumbling and many
deserting their posts. By the time radiation sickness began to set in among
victims of the attack, the situation was hopeless as they were not receiving
any supplies to aid the victims. Whiskey and painkillers were the only care
available to most patients.
Those who lived outside of major cities or managed to escape them in the
narrow window given by the sirens faced a much better chance of survival.
(However, the notable exception of Las Vegas was spared a direct nuclear
strike thanks to Robert House, who disabled or destroyed 68 our of 77
warheads heading for the city). Although suffering from the sudden loss of
access to water, food, and medical care, these survivors would go on to found
new communities across the newly born wasteland, becoming the founding
fathers of a new civilization struggling to rise from the ashes. These
include Darkwater, the founder of Junktown, Angus of the Hub, the founders of
Megaton and Diamond City, and so on and so forth. Some of the less fortunate
survivors on the surface would turn into ghouls, a result of their exposure
to radioactive fallout and/or thermal radiation from the blasts, with their
horrifying appearance leading to prejudice among other human survivors.
Robert House給解除掉或攔截了)。儘管這些難民要忍受突然失去食物、水和醫藥資源的
A relative few were able to reach safety in underground Vaults constructed by
the Vault-Tec Corporation at the behest of the Federal government, often
trading suffering on the surface for suffering in confinement, due to the
social experiments initiated by the forebears of the Enclave. Some refused to
go into their assigned Vaults, believing it was just another drill and not
realizing the truth until it was too late. Vaults that did not fail as a
result of their experiment would frequently become another source of
civilization across the wastelands, such as Vault 15, whose inhabitants
founded Shady Sands (and the raider tribes of Khans, Vipers, and Jackals),
the Los Angeles Vault, which led to the establishment of Adytum, and Vault 8,
which led to Vault City.
Behind the scenes 螢幕之後
According to the script of the Fallout movie, neither China, India, nor North
Korea launched the first bomb. It was in fact Vault-Tec Industries' executive
of the vaults. He launched the first bomb to fulfill his own prophecy of
nuclear annihilation. This has not been established as canon.