Steam Is Banning Sex Games With Young-Looking Characters
These days, anything goes on Steam, but not anything anything. If games are “
illegal, or straight up trolling,” Valve says it’ll send them packing. In
the past, that’s meant low-effort games with titles like Big Dick and MILF,
achievement spam, and certain sex games.
Now, according to some developers, Valve is going after games that feature
themes of “child exploitation,” which it seems to define, at least in part,
as games with sex scenes or nudity where the characters are in high school.
Over the past few weeks, the company has removed the store pages of several
visual novels, including cross-dressing yaoi romance Cross Love, catholic
school adult visual novel Hello Goodbye, “story about the love between
siblings” (yuck) Imolicious, and cat girl game MaoMao Discovery Team. The
developers of these games all claim to have received similar emails stating
that their games could not be released on Steam.
“While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does feature
themes of child exploitation,” read the email received by Top Hat Studios,
makers of Cross Love. “Because of that, the app has been banned and cannot
be reused.”
There are a couple ties that bind the games in question: 1) Cross Love, Hello
Goodbye, and Imolicious feature school settings, and 2) all four of the
aforementioned games contain adult elements and center around anime-styled
characters who appear young—in some cases uncomfortably so. However, their
developers have taken to protesting the bans on social media, saying that
their games have been misunderstood. They all claim they’ve reached out to
Valve since receiving their bans, only to be met with silence.
Cross Love’s developers say they’ve taken great pains to ensure that their
game demonstrates, on multiple occasions, that its students are of age. This
includes scenes where they peruse 18+ manga and are ID-ed before being
allowed into an adult bookstore.
“These scenes aren’t there to be artificially shoehorned in, and while they
do exist as further proof of characters’ ages (beyond the disclaimer in the
beginning that explicitly states them as being 18), the real reason they’re
there is to further many of the themes in the story,” said developer Top Hat
to Kotaku in a Twitter DM, pointing out that it’s tried to contact Valve
with this information six separate times, to no avail. “A large chunk of the
story is about accepting who you are, being comfortable with yourself, and
altogether similar themes within a type of coming of age-style love story,
which isn’t really seen in most yaoi games.”
“While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does feature
themes of child exploitation.”
Other games are more questionable. Imolicious’ developer claims there aren’
t “any children” in the game, but it revolves around school girls. When I
pointed out that most school girls are, by definition, children, developer
Yume Creations replied in a DM: “High school students aren’t children, they
are teenager[s].” Most teenagers in high school are still minors, so that
rationale doesn’t really hold water. The developer also noted, however, that
“in [the] case of Imolicious, I added a disclaimer that all characters [are]
over 18 like you can see in most visual novels.”
They’re not wrong: This is a trend among visual novels featuring adult
material—and more broadly among “loli” anime, which tends to feature
suspiciously young-looking women who are said to be over 18. But while some
take these declarations at face value, others view them as obvious (and
creepy) fig leaves.
“Having a disclaimer stating that a drawing is of consensual age or not is a
ridiculous thing to rely upon,” said one user in a Steam forum thread
discussing MaoMao Discovery Team’s legality. “At the end of the day, it is
a fictional drawing that does not have an age. If you think they look too
young, then they are too young. A bit of text saying ‘this person is 20'
changes nothing.”
Which brings us to the heart of the matter: It’s Valve’s store, and what it
says goes. If someone at Valve decides characters look too young, then they’
re too young. Top Hat, however, believes there’s a double standard at play
here, not unlike the one some developers felt they’d fallen victim to before
Valve officially allowed uncensored sex games on Steam. Other games that
feature young-looking characters, school settings, and romantic/sexual
themes, like Nekopara Extra, Sakura Sakura, A Piece Of Wish Upon The Stars,
and Material Girl, are all still on Steam, Top Hat pointed out.
Kotaku reached out to Valve to ask about the rationale behind banning certain
games, but has yet to hear back.
Imolicious developer Yume Creations says it’s given up on trying to get the
game on Steam, opting instead to release an uncensored version on internet
hentai capital Fakku. In a Steam post, MaoMao’s developers made it sound
like they, too, are throwing in the towel. But while Top Hat has put Cross
Love up on other stores like and Nutaku, it’s still giving Steam the
old hopefully-at-least-college-age try.
“Steam is a major service, and we had hundreds of players looking forward to
buying the game there upon release,” Top Hat said. “The game had wishlists
in the thousands, and the community group had several hundred people in it.
This is a very large userbase to lose out on, and it hurts us pretty bad. It’
s not world ending, but it is quite the end of the year blow.”
關鍵字:Child Exploitation 兒童削剝
所以Cross Love、Hello Goodbye、MaoMao Discovery Team這些遊戲才會被刪除頁面。
icexfox (東玉景)
2018-12-08 09:28:00五樓的熟女風格沒這個問題
BoXeX (心愛騎士團異端審判騎士)
2018-12-08 09:37:00哀 怪不得日本很多HG公司都在觀望 終究保守才是對的
ybz612 (私はスキをあきらめない)
2018-12-08 09:44:00valve到底是怎樣 瘋狂反覆橫跳耶
kenlin96 (kenlin96)
2018-12-08 09:45:00作者:
a75091500 (凱洛ãŒã„らã)
2018-12-08 09:47:00因為真的很煩,一下可以一下不行的,審核過了還會被搞。整個就是創作,沒有傷害任何人,然後要被處罰,這真的很過分
iorittn (IORITTN)
2018-12-08 09:59:005000歲但外觀像10歲精靈的可以嗎?
Deltak (藍田五十弦)
2018-12-08 10:00:00勸你別碰我mirror喔
iorittn (IORITTN)
2018-12-08 10:04:00mirror奶那麼大…怎麼看也不像
abc55322 (笨鳥不唱歌)
2018-12-08 10:17:00問題大了,應為他們看日式畫風全都是兒童色情因
作者: mamahayai 2018-12-08 10:19:00
人真的很奇怪 肥宅娶二維老婆我們噓他快醒 不是真的然後又一堆躲舒適圈整天噴二維 這個不行 那個不行不敢處理真實世界同樣發生的議題
BoXeX (心愛騎士團異端審判騎士)
2018-12-08 10:29:00終究還是要日本自己搞平台啦 等東澳過去吧 哀
ILoveElsa (S級18位 梓喵醬油瓶)
2018-12-08 10:52:00正確個屌 火車全部給我幹起來
額 本來就不能違反當地法律吧 不過審核過在取消這對開發商很慘就是了
kians (嗚達啦啦呼達啦啦)
2018-12-08 11:42:00超讚成!! 不過要怎麼認定年輕角色 標準為何是重點臉跟發育看起來只有國小 結果年齡寫17歲的 這種超該禁噁心戀童癖不要想在那邊帶風向 趕快去治療
freset (freset)
2018-12-08 12:13:00樓上你怎麼看起來這麼了解
kians (嗚達啦啦呼達啦啦)
2018-12-08 12:22:00沒吃過豬肉也看過豬走路啊
hancke (Everdream)
2018-12-08 12:23:00外表年紀認定標準是什麼?罩杯?身高?三次元都有那種30歲看起來想國中生的幼齒臉了
spfy (spfy)
2018-12-08 12:24:00對啦 玩的遊戲有蘿莉就是變態戀童癖
hancke (Everdream)
2018-12-08 12:24:00每次都說兒童色情是歐美的紅線 問題是怎樣算兒童 都他媽西方臭老臉才不算兒童? 我16歲去美國參加一個營隊 他媽一個英國佬15歲長得像30歲 這樣就合法囉?
BoXeX (心愛騎士團異端審判騎士)
2018-12-08 12:26:00乾脆禁止所有創作有任何犯法行為好了
C00L (固古無故褲酷骨)
2018-12-08 12:26:00樓上超酸XD我說spfy
BoXeX (心愛騎士團異端審判騎士)
2018-12-08 12:26:00觀看有殺人的書視同殺人犯
playerlin (PlayerLin)
2018-12-08 12:48:00講難聽一點,只要沒成年都可能被那些衛道人士視為兒童.永遠都是「大人們」說的算。 *茶*
loadingN (sarsaparilla)
2018-12-08 13:00:00成年的貓可以嗎
katana89 (月月ç«æ°´æœ¨é‡‘金)
2018-12-08 13:05:00在美國兒少福利是比憲法還不得了的東西 千萬惹不得
NLchu (Network Layer)
2018-12-08 13:07:00不要在那邊紙上談兵......講理論你沒有歐美厲害講那些空談的東西根本沒用,這不是那邊的問題點實際上是,歐美有很多‘非常嚴重’的案子發生過,這迫使他們一定要採取很極端的方式去「做一些事」,這是政治問題各自表述的東西永遠都能換方向講,不要對自己那麼有信心就算沒有二次元實際受害人也要提出實際科學證據才能開啟爭論這是歐美的一貫思維,在那邊嘴巴論證根本自討苦吃
NLchu (Network Layer)
2018-12-08 13:25:00你......電腦裡擁有相關資料在哪邊就是犯法了啊
就自助餐 想撈錢又沒不敢審內容 只好轉而審角色外觀
NLchu (Network Layer)
2018-12-08 13:26:00在網路上索求邏輯是我的錯
說真的亞洲人18歲左右樣貌像是歐美人未成年 歐美無法體會在這種環境生活的差別
歐美SJW無差別套入就是很有問題了寫個18就不是蘿 這種滿槽點玩法誕生起因於誰心裡有數趨嚴跟本不能解決問題在我看來 把問題推給二次元 跟中世紀把問題推給行為怪異的女巫 像極了 說妳是女巫就是女巫 快燒
同樣有明确的世俗共識 司法系統 社會偏見 責任推託
就跟禁酒令白癡清教徒一樣兒色禁止不是隨人說 古典時代孿童常見 要不禁修該歷史
於是問題就兜回了怎麼才算 今天管年齡 明天戰種族後天禁模仿史萊姆 法外規避會一直在 SJW絕不受損真有個金魚佬在我面前我也會爆打他一頓但我不會因為規範無差別套用 誰像就打誰吧
playerlin (PlayerLin)
2018-12-08 14:10:00臭歸臭,他們又沒差。再找下一個target就好。
steam也作很多努力了, 總沒辦法要G胖拿事業當賭注
不少看起來就真的滿幼的遊戲都真的上18+dlc在steam上了 表示steam原本肯定是沒要禁這類總不能真的要G胖拿事業當賭注領導這種抗爭XD
playerlin (PlayerLin)
2018-12-08 14:24:00兒童色情很多廠商跟平台都自我規制了,沒人敢賭會不會就真的要拿事業甚至自己私人資產來賠了...
jim8596 (休刊是童年的回憶)
2018-12-08 15:14:00MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF不是16歲適婚年齡嗎 還有童養媳等熟女系列 古人真會玩孫中山:女童賽高
作者: AsPerfect (DaDa) 2018-12-08 15:42:00
快笑死哈哈哈哈一堆踩出界線的在那擔心硬是要辯, 餒咩凹
作者: AsPerfect (DaDa) 2018-12-08 16:30:00
w520670 (æ德王)
2018-12-08 16:36:00再說下去等等估計會有人冒出來說"禁個幼女而已 這也能吵"
作者: AsPerfect (DaDa) 2018-12-08 16:46:00
本末倒置吧 會誘拐真實女童的還會跑去玩遊戲??假道德一堆 這跟遊戲使人暴力的看法有什麼兩樣
作者: AsPerfect (DaDa) 2018-12-08 17:11:00
所以歐美就是一邊幹小女孩小男孩 一邊義正嚴詞的限制空想創作日本就是只敢做遊戲畫漫畫打手槍 強暴小孩這種事做不出來 大家都知道喇
katana89 (月月ç«æ°´æœ¨é‡‘金)
2018-12-08 18:41:00持有就犯法有些地方還真的不是開玩笑 宅宅帶一堆日漫回去 被海關直接逮捕已經是好多年前的新聞了
作者: ae6892723 (新北一哥) 2018-12-08 19:08:00
tindy (tindy)
2018-12-08 19:34:00我搜了一下內文中的遊戲,除了貓娘那部像國中生體型剩下的都高中生正常人體型阿當然也可能是角色很多我沒google到不過要酸羅莉控的建議先去查完再來酸高中生體型已經是正常人體型了,跟戀童癖差很多好嗎
C00L (固古無故褲酷骨)
2018-12-08 19:50:00社會上一個很簡單的邏輯:躲在家裡打電動的 整天被追打在路上混幫派的 什麼人包括一堆警察都會躲你躲很遠幾乎可以說為所欲為所以根本不是對/錯問題是好不好欺負的問題
樓上講的不是邏輯而是亂象not cool, bro.
FrostGZ (FrostGZ)
2018-12-08 23:25:00這社會不就亂象稱王嘛XD