Bethesda's ultrawide Fallout 76 fix is a stretched 16:9 display
Players are mad at Bethesda for their ultrawide support fix which arrived in
the latest December patch. The fix was meant to bring perfect scalability for
21:9 monitors but it looks like Bethesda only modified Fallout 76's INI file.
In the latest Fallout 76 patch released on 11 December 2018, Bethesda
included many much-requested fixes for the PC version of the game. The
developer added sliders for field of view and depth of field, push-to-talk
button and fix for ultrawide monitors. The first three work as intended but
21:9 support is something that's making players angry and disappointed.
One Reddit user named Abheekg made a post about the issue in which he claims
that Bethesda's fix is actually just an INI file modification. He even
uploaded a couple of screenshots and compared Bethesda's ultrawide version to
the unofficial ultrawide mod for Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 which was released
He continued by saying that Bethesda promised "a perfect fix" and even talked
about how it looked great on their PCs. He also mentioned how the developer
delayed the fix in order to take care of the issue properly and make sure
that no animations are broken. But in one of his screenshots, water animation
looks completely glitched and he's claiming it only started happening after
the new patch.
The UI on Bethesda's fix is evidently stretched, enlarged and everything just
looks out of place when compared to the unofficial ultrawide mod. Also, text
is much crispier and everything just looks better in the modded version.
Altcharpicture showing fallout 76 comparisonOfficial fix vs Mod
Abheekg called out Bethesda for taking so long to release the fix which
turned out to be a total disappointment. "Are you seriously saying that this
was a month's worth of work into getting the 21:9 support fixed?! In a day
and age when launching without it was itself so amazingly unbelievable?" said
a frustrated Redditor.
Others joined him in criticism of Bethesda saying that Fallout 76 already
failed and nothing will change that, no matter how hard Bethesda tries to
improve the game.
Well, the never-ending issue called Fallout 76 strikes once again and it
looks like Bethesda is really struggling to weather the storm since the
game's release. Players are getting more and more frustrated with each update
which just brings a fresh batch of annoying and even game-breaking bugs.
Bethesda's next patch for Fallout 76 is scheduled for 18 December 2018 and
hopefully, the developer gets this one right.
You can find Abheekg's post on the Fallout 76 subreddit.
然後還翻出非官方製作的21:9 MOD 和官方做的比,直接噴:人家MOD作者沒遊戲原始碼都