""He [Itsuno] was ready to leave Capcom, he wasn't happy," Langdon explained
in an interview with Toy Bounty Hunters. "I think he put in his resignation
and they said “Okay, wait. We know you're a valuable guy, we don't want
you to leave, what can make you stay?" And he said “alright, I got my wish
list,” and Devil May Cry [V] was the top of the list. He said “I’ll stay
if you give me Devil May Cry and let me do it the way I want to do it, not
the BS stuff you guys did before with the other thing.”"
但丁御用配音員兼動作捕捉Reuben Langdon表示,DMC製作人伊津野英昭曾想在
DmC:Devil May Cry發布之後辭職,因為不滿這作品的改變方向。