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作者: jerry78424 (青松碧濤) 看板: C_Chat
標題: [新聞] Epic獨佔《末日Z戰》收視出師不利
時間: Sat Apr 20 21:40:20 2019
World War Z’s Twitch viewership has –rather predictably– sunk like a stone since its initial launch two days ago. After peaking at 133,000 concurrent viewers, over 80% of the audience has since disappeared. The sudden drop has meant one Epic Games Store developer’s gloating tweet hasn’t aged very well.
Epic’s Chief of Publishing Strategy Sergey Galyonkin took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that World War Z was sitting in third place as the most watched game on Twitch and that three of the games in the top 10 were Epic Games Store exclusives. The caption to his ‘data’ read “welcome to the multi-store world.”
Reddit certainly wasn’t impressed, calling the claims “bias” and “unsubstantiated.” What’s more, almost inevitably the day-one interest in World War Z has seen the game’s Twitch presence fade almost to irrelevance within 48 hours. At the time of writing, World War Z is being watched by just over two thousand people. Quite the drop.
Notably, statistic site GitHyp claims that Saber Interactive actually paid some of Twitch’s top streamers to play World War Z on its second day to help keep viewership numbers from declining. If that’s true then Galyonkin’s Tweet is likely to leave an even more sour taste in the mouth of disgruntled PC gamers.