還有中文 很有誠意了
A Forgotten Valley
Not all Manacalon lords heeded the call to arms when the Rift opened – some
chose to stay behind to protect imperial secrets, some others simply wanted
to save their own skin. What none expected however was the sheer magnitude of
the Cataclysm. Even small isolated enclaves were left in tatters and yet
somehow, someway, the old Manacalon ways survived in the Valley of the
Dominion. Forgotten by all, the rare visitors only stumbled upon it by
accident… and have never been able to leave.
The Lost Valley DLC is a brand new level 1 to 12 campaign that will take your
party into the lands of the Dominion. This remote place long forgotten by all
is ruled with an iron fist by the tyrant Orenetis, but the arrival of your
adventurers will light a fuse under this political powder keg.
This adventure features:
A replayable non linear story, as you are the one deciding which faction
to side with in order to escape the Valley
New foes to face, with iconic monsters such as Giants, Hags and Golems
who will try to turn your party into mush
New subclasses, one for each of the nine existing classes in Solasta
Play Lost Valley co-op with up to 4 players, as we just rolled out
Solasta's free online co-op update that allows everyone to play the original
campaign as well as Custom Dungeon Maker map in multiplayer!
New Subclasses:
The Commander, Fighters who can bolster their allies both offensively and
defensively in the middle of combat.
The Hoodlum, Rogues who rely on intimidation and brute force to get what
they want.
The Oath of Judgment, held by Paladins who seek to purge corruption and
deliver justice wherever they go.
The Mischief Domain, granted to Clerics of Misaye who are always seem
blessed with good luck.
The Court Mage, elite Wizards who are masters at protecting others with
their arcane powers.
遊戲性很差呀, 你能接受一款遊戲九成專長都垃圾, 幾乎所有build都無腦挑+2主屬嗎..然後裝備變化性也超低, 武器防具就只+X和附帶屬傷排列組合而已, 完全沒西式RPG配裝配技能樂趣劇情設定也很破碎, 一隊要去打上古龍和滅掉上古龍帝國勢力的主角居然只能升到10等, 改版也才只能到12等