1. 標的:4401
2. 進場理由
b.技術面:very good
d.消息面:extremely good
3. 進場價格:91.9
4. 停損價格:NA
my mistake, can't type Chinese.
Even there is rumor said Lemonlulu will decrease their vendor supplier.
Coz of too fast expansion and ends up with quality concern.
But its sales amount still climb.
4401 is the nominated raw material supplier for Lemon. Please refer to annual
financial report of 4401, you can see this is the best year of 4401.
I foresee 4401 EPS of 2014 could be up to more than 6-7
6.5*20=130. maybe there will have some other surprise but we may not be able
to know at this moment. that's why my target to be 150.