※ 引述《gioiechang1 (錢(貨幣)只是數字....)》之銘言:
推 soren55200 :MTK 6592沒記錯的話11/20好像有發布會,不知道會不會 11/14 22:26
→ soren55200 :影響到最近發哥的股價 11/14 22:27
→ wtl :重點應該是這顆到底賣的好不好 11/14 22:51
→ exboy11 :跟高通對決絕對是鬼故事 11/14 22:54
→ exboy11 :別癡人說夢了 效能永遠是第二選擇 11/14 22:55
→ exboy11 :低價搶市是成功沒錯 但拚贏高通就算了吧 11/14 22:55
推 troylee :Low power 11/14 23:13
推 ccbbaa :a7雙核表示~_~ 11/14 23:20
推 DrumBee :我真的很懷疑exboy有沒有在做功課..唉..Qcom現在被 11/15 01:38
推 DrumBee :電得很慘..兩邊的晶片現在都有開箱比較文..不是事實 11/15 01:42
→ DrumBee :的話就不用PO上來見笑了 11/15 01:42
→ DrumBee :省電能力更是高通敗..大陸市場也是大陸敗 11/15 01:43
NO. The most smartphone project whcih has already kick-off now
is mainly use Qualcomm's chip.
The smartphone project which has kick-off now
will start mass production in 2014/Q1~Q2.
Because the schedule of MTK's LTE RF chip is too late,
Even Intel's chip is earlier than MKT one year.
But 3G smartphone is mostly use MTK's chip in china.
When can we buy MTK's LTE phone in market? I don't tell you.