→ ceca :你台灣本島搞封閉,企業外面繼續賺錢. 03/23 19:52
@ Asian Development Bank http://0rz.tw/oW5vE P49
Trade Openness (% of GDP)
Hong Kong 173.9
Singapore 158.8
Taiwan 63.9%
Korea 46.4
China 26.9
@ International Chamber of Commerce
http://0rz.tw/5bUwy http://ppt.cc/Mx8P
Open Markets Index 2013
Rank Score
1 Hong Kong 5.5
2 Singapore 5.5
27 Chinese Taipei 4.0
45 Korea 3.6
57 China 2.8
@ The Heritage Foundation
Open Markets > Trade Freedom
Hong Kong 90.0
Singapore 90.0
Taiwan 85.8
South Korea 72.6
China 71.8
Open Markets >Investment Freedom
Hong Kong 90.0
Singapore 85.0
South Korea 70.0
Taiwan 70.0
China 30.0
@ World Economic Forum http://0rz.tw/UnSYn p459
Trade tariffs
Hong Kong 0.0 %
Singapore 0.0
Taiwan 5.4
Korea 8.5
China 11.5