H2 (oh!my志玲)
2014-04-29 20:45:43這板上標題為"標的"開頭的, 都是個別的買進或賣出意見, 基本上跟Claucus
做的事情一樣, 公開闡述個股投資意見! 而且他就是要賺放空的錢, 不是天經
地意嗎, 他並沒有要你完全聽他的建議啊, 所以同樣的disclaimer還寫到
"We are short sellers. We are biased. So are long investors. So is APR.
So are the banks that raised money for the Company. If you are invested
(either long or short) in APR, so are you. Just because we are biased
does not mean that we are wrong. We, like everyone else, are entitled
to our opinions and to the right to express such opinions in a public
forum. We believe that the ublication of our opinions and the underlying
facts about the public companies we research is in the public interest"
※ 引述《MatsuiHideki (弦外之音)》之銘言:
: ps.好屌 不愧是鍵盤海神 直接嗆明就是要賺空再生的錢 但還想免責說他不是在講事實