噓 kanx :GDP是所得? 08/06 21:36
噓 jyhsheng :所得你拿GDP出來幹嘛 08/06 21:28
噓 bear753951 :所以咧? 08/06 21:42
→ bear753951 :所得比跟GDP比有啥關係?
@ European Union statistics http://0rz.tw/1CcbQ
GDP is also equal to:
1: the sum of the final uses of goods and services (all uses except intermediate
consumption) measured in purchasers' prices, minus the value of imports of
goods and services;
2: the sum of primary incomes distributed by resident producer units.
@ The Economist http://ppt.cc/L6AM
GDP can be calculated in three ways.
1: The income method adds the income of residents (individuals and firms)
derived from the production of goods and services.
2: The output method adds the value of output from the different sectors of
the economy.
3: The expenditure method totals spending on goods and services produced by
residents, before allowing for depreciation and capital consumption.
@ DBS Singapore http://tinyurl.com/qy6jamc P14
※ Notes:
[1] Per capita GDP is used as the measure of income.