[新聞] 智擎最新胰臟癌新藥進度

作者: jackred (我在台北天氣晴)   2015-01-17 16:05:01
Second-Line nal-IRI (MM-398) Shows Consistent Improvement in Clinical
Outcomes in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
JAN 16, 2015
A deeper dive of data from NAPOLI-1, a randomized, controlled, open-label
phase III trial conducted in patients with gemcitabine-refractory metastatic
pancreatic cancer, bolsters support for use of MM-398 plus 5-fluorouracil
(5-FU)/leucovorin over 5-FU/leucovorin in the second-line setting (Abstract
234). Patients who received at least 80% of planned treatment during the
first 6 weeks of the study achieved a 3.8-month improvement in survival when
MM-398 was added to the chemotherapy backbone, according to data presented by
Li-Tzong Chen, MD, PhD, of the National Institute of Cancer Research and the
National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan.
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作者: drwhmsjustdo (小鷹獵犬演化)   2015-01-17 19:24:00
意思好像是MM-398跟5-Fu 結合治療,確實有顯治療效但是臨床試驗顯示仍有少數嘔吐症狀…跪求醫學系翻譯第一次看到fell out of favor 有點傻眼,後來仔細研究一下,才知道MM-398的藥證受FDA快速審查的細節是跟5-Fu(服藥癌注射劑)搭配使用的前提下受審的5-Fu好像本身在化療使用上就有副作用,所以毒性問題應該不是文章的重點,重點在於該藥對胰臟癌的新型療法吧。星期一市場樂觀解讀,那應該就是漲停了。推樓上,這癌真的很惡。最近一位朋友也得這種癌,希希望能有效治療,讓得了這類疾病的人都能得到治療生技類股需要領頭羊
作者: cavitylapper (類聚)   2015-01-18 00:20:00
利多吧 至於到底是生是死要等藥證開牌 有得漲了

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