※ 引述《VirgilAeneid (維吉爾)》之銘言:
: 1.原文連結(必須檢附):
: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160512003613-260410
: 2.原文內容:
: 《國際產業》iPhone 7無新意,台灣供應廠H2訂單恐將大減
: 2016年05月12日 12:47 【時報-記者柯婉琇綜合外電報導】
: 《日經亞洲評論》(Nikkei Asian Review)周四報導,因高階手機需求持續降溫,
: 以及蘋果即將推出的iPhone 7缺乏突破性的創新,台灣供應廠今年下半年的蘋果訂單
: 將遠少於去年同期,今年的傳統旺季表現恐將無法與過去幾年相比。
: 一名消息人士表示,台積電(2330)今年下半年的iPhone 6s與iPhone 7晶片出貨量,
: 可能只剩下去年同期的70~80%。該公司今年全年以美元計營收可能僅成長4%,營業
: 利益可能持平。
Apple stock is down suddenly on a report of a drop in iPhone chip shipments
Apple is down over 1% to below $91 per share on Thursday after a Nikkei
report revealed that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Apple's main
processor chip supplier, is looking at a terrible second half of 2016.
One source tells Nikkei that its peak season shipments will "not be able to
compare to the past few years."
From the report:
Another source said that for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the
sole supplier for the latest A10 chips used in iPhone 7, its iPhone 6s and
iPhone 7 chip shipments for the June to December period will likely shrink to