Scape (non)
2018-09-26 16:29:421.原文連結:
Tesla will likely meet Model 3 production guidance for Q3, says TSLA skeptic
看空TSLA 者表示,Tesla 應能達到Model 3 的Q3 產能目標
There is no denying that Tesla’s goals for the third quarter of 2018 are
ambitious. After achieving its then-elusive goal of producing 5,000 Model 3
per week at the end of Q2 2018, Tesla immediately set its sights on a bigger
target. In terms of Model 3 production and deliveries, Tesla noted that it
was aiming to manufacture and deliver more than 50,000 units of the electric
car in Q3 2018.
無可否認地,Tesla 18年Q3的目標雄心勃勃。Q2末每週生產5000輛Model 3 的目標在當
時是被看成是難以達成的,達成後Tesla 立即設立了更大的目標。在Model 3 的生產和
交付方面,Tesla 表示目標是在Q3 生產和交付超過5萬輛電動車。
If Tesla’s ongoing delivery blitz is any indication, it appears that the
electric car maker is attempting to deliver as many vehicles to reservation
holders as possible before the quarter ends. This weekend alone, Tesla opted
to accept help from volunteer owners who offered to assist in deliveries by
conducting new customer orientations. Elon Musk later noted on a Twitter post
that Tesla is now in the process of building its own car carriers to help
address bottlenecks in the transportation of electric cars from the Fremont
factory to delivery centers across the United States.
Tesla 似乎正試圖在季度結束前交付盡可能多的車輛。 僅在本週末,Tesla 選擇接受
車主的幫助,他們藉由引導新車主來協助交付。 稍後Elon Musk 在推特上說Tesla 正
Amidst Tesla’s delivery blitz, Goldman Sachs analyst David Tamberrino, a
known skeptic of the electric car maker, issued a somewhat positive estimate
about the company’s delivery figures this third quarter. While Tamberrino
maintained his Sell rating on Tesla, and while he kept a conservative $210
price target for TSLA stock (NASDAQ:TSLA), he stated in a recent note that
the electric car maker would likely deliver 27,500 Model S and X and about
52,000 Model 3 in Q3 2018. The analyst further noted that Tesla’s deliveries
would likely exceed his estimates, considering that the company had more than
11,000 vehicles en route to customers at the end of Q2.
高盛分析師David Tamberrino 在Tesla 快速交付車輛的同時,這位知名的看空者對這
家電動車製造商的Q3 交車數據做出了一些正面的預測。雖然Tamberrino 維持他對
TSLA 的股價評級,但在最近的一份報告中,他表示Tesla 可能會在18年Q3 時交付27500
輛Model S/X 與52000輛Model 3。這位分析師進一步指出,Tesla 的交車量很有可能會
超出其預期,因為該公司在Q2 末向客戶交付了超過11000輛汽車。
Production-wise, the Goldman Sachs analyst stated that he expects Tesla to
meet its Model 3 production target. Tamberrino did note, though, that Model 3
production figures will likely be on the lower end of Tesla’s 50,000-55,000
range. Tamberrino also stated that while the Model S and X delivery cadence
is below the numbers implied by the company’s guidance of 100,000 units per
year, Model S and X figures this Q3 will likely be better than FactSet and
consensus estimates.
在生產方面,高盛分析師表示他預期Tesla 能夠達到其Model 3 的生產目標。但
Tamberrino 表示,Model 3的產量數據可能會位於Tesla 所設定的50000-55000範圍的
下半部。Tamberrino 還指出,雖然Model S/X 的交付率低於該公司每年10萬輛的水準,
但Model S/X 的數據表明這會比FactSet 和一般預期更好。
Earlier this month, Elon Musk teased in a letter to Tesla employees that the
company is about to have a record quarter, “building and delivering more
than twice as many cars as (it) did” in Q2 2018. Tesla board member Kimbal
Musk further noted in a CNBC Closing Bell segment that “it’s really gonna
blow people’s minds how many Model 3s are gonna appear in America in just
the next couple of weeks.”
本月早些時候,Elon Musk 在致Tesla 員工的一封信中說到,公司將會有個創記錄的季
度:"生產和交付 18年Q2 兩倍多的數量"。Tesla 董事會成員Kimbal Musk 在CNBC 的
節目Closing Bell 中指出,"這真的會讓人不禁想到在未來幾周內會有多少Model 3 出
Tesla is a newcomer in the US auto industry, and as such, it still has a lot
of learning to do before it masters the auto business. While the company is
still pretty much in startup mode today, its growth over the past decade has
been remarkable. Exactly ten years ago, for example, Tesla was still a
struggling electric car maker that has only been able to build 27 units of
the original Tesla Roadster. By the end of September 2008, Tesla completed
three more vehicles, producing a total of 30 Roadsters. This year, Tesla is
expecting to deliver 100,000 units of Model S and X alone.
Tesla 是美國汽車業的新手,因此,在掌握汽車業務之前它還有很多要學。 雖然該公
司今天仍然還在起步中,但它的成長非常顯著。例如,就在十年前,Tesla 還是間掙扎
於製造最初的Tesla Roadster的汽車製造商,它只做好了27輛。到2008年9月底,Tesla
又完成了3輛車,共生產了30輛 Roadsters。今年,Tesla 預計將交付10萬輛Model S/X。
David Tamberrino 這位高盛分析師一直以來都看空Tesla,認為它會失敗、股價
也不應該這麼高。記得他給TSLA 的目標價都是在180、185、190這幾個數字之間,
最近升到了210,但就算是他也不得不承認Model 3 的生產已經上了軌道,雖然他
給的目標價還是比現在股價低,持續看空TSLA,但Q3 財報發佈後會發生什麼事情
ast2 (doolittle)
2018-09-26 16:33:00美國好公司一堆 不知為何要去投資一家管理階層心態不穩財務不穩 製造不穩公司 過去一年 股價不但未能贏大盤還輸一截 資金和機會成本都浪費了 看看AMZN NVDA CRM SQ你連他精神狀態都狀況外 還談啥投資 你在瞎子摸象嗎
mistel (Mistel)
2018-09-26 16:41:00樓上覺得川普的精神狀況如何?習近平的呢??
作者: GoOdGaMe (GG) 2018-09-26 16:46:00
笑死人 你還不是也看新聞來當心理醫生 難道你會通靈?
作者: mynumber55 (morehair) 2018-09-26 16:46:00
太神啦~ 現在投資還要學心理學
作者: GoOdGaMe (GG) 2018-09-26 16:48:00
作者: Skabo (kaka) 2018-09-26 16:49:00
我也想知道每間公司CEO心理狀況阿 求管道XD
geminitw (geminitw)
2018-09-26 16:52:00議員候選人纷纷嫖妓,高雄花媽肖而不語由此推估老二不吻
作者: mynumber55 (morehair) 2018-09-26 16:53:00
geminitw (geminitw)
2018-09-26 16:55:00嫖到連鄉民都中標,笑破褲底
作者: GoOdGaMe (GG) 2018-09-26 16:58:00
習包子也中標了 肉餡流了一屁股
ataky (七元)
2018-09-26 17:00:00電動車發展不起來都特斯拉的鍋
ckw19 (keep going)
2018-09-26 17:00:00話說矽谷一堆工程師都有什麼憂鬱症 躁鬱症的喔 XDDDD
ast2 (doolittle)
2018-09-26 17:03:00估了半天還在問證據? XD原來投資不需要懂心裡學 那大概也不需要財務學了吧 XD建議可以寫信給出版商 把那些投資心裡學的書燒了 XD
原來心理諮商師才是掌握第一手內線的人啊有人太好笑 不小心噓到 推個
loat (虛累累)
2018-09-26 17:50:00崩潰推文
ckw19 (keep going)
2018-09-26 17:52:00其實如果你超有把握不看好他,那應該去放空它,變大富翁
skizard ( )
2018-09-26 17:53:00鋼鐵人傳記去看一下,看完就算不看多也不太敢放空
不知道CEO心裡狀態怎樣 但特斯拉的空軍心裡狀態應該很糟
Acer3000 (要你命三千)
2018-09-26 18:01:00一樓講的邏輯分明沒錯。
這是個人投資選擇 跟邏輯無關 沒什麼對錯分別 沒有不好的投資標的 只有差勁的投資策略
nnz938 (阿祥)
2018-09-26 18:27:00投資心理學是在研究CEO的心理狀態嗎?
Sylph (仙客來)
2018-09-26 18:37:00轉虧為盈,或至少預期現金流轉正再說
eemail (eemail)
2018-09-26 18:39:00分散投資要別人管 人家高興買呀
acura123 (acura123)
2018-09-26 18:39:00先要看看他是如何整空軍的,再來說要不要放空
tesla 看起來很不穩是因為發展策略過於激進 不是公司真的很差
Chrkamp (脾氣古怪無人疼愛)
2018-09-26 19:16:001樓連阿斯拉你也敢嘴?
ckw19 (keep going)
2018-09-26 19:17:00沙國不是都要投資了 沙國要投資應該是做很多功課吧我記得聽哪個分析師說過 沙國的投資報告書 跟字典一樣厚雖然投資有可能會看錯 但至少是做足了功課
Ekmund (是一隻小叔)
2018-09-26 19:20:00就空啊 講那麼多 又破300線了 好機會不空嗎?
竟然有人會想去空一個全世界公認天才的公司..........光是上次呼大麻的照片一公佈 空軍就被輒飛 還不信邪..
作者: tctv2002 2018-09-26 20:43:00
未來的蘋果 你敢空?
OAKIE (夢は汗の中に......)
2018-09-26 21:45:00比起買這支 先買AMD比較實在
windzend (windzend)
2018-09-26 22:47:00多少人不知道Model 3的周產能,是其他車廠多久才有的銷售數字?
darkdixen (darkdixen)
2018-09-26 22:50:00為何不去放空別得標的 偏偏要去挑戰tsla呢?
作者: janiceb (janice) 2018-09-26 23:42:00
sukyn (sukyn)
2018-09-27 01:29:00升息? 嘎嘎嘎
作者: as508114 (carmelo) 2018-09-27 09:12:00
投資心理學可以燒了 我等一樓出一本觀落陰投資法