Re: [新聞] 美晶片廠爆慘況!台積電竟中槍?

作者: kyle5241 (kyle)   2020-01-03 11:15:45
“We’re getting a great partnership with TSMC,” Papermaster says, “as well
as great supply. We did have some shortfalls on chips when we first launched
our highest performing Ryzens, and that was simply demand outstripping what
we had expected and what we had planned for. That wasn’t a TSMC issue at all.

TSMC's 7nm production capacity is fully booked. Relief may only come when
Apple migrates to 5nm in 2H'2020. TSMC's 7nm capacity will increase to
140,000 wpm in 2H'2020. By order proportion, the ranking of customers using
7nm will be re-shuffled. AMD's orders are set to double, replacing Apple as
the largest customer [for 7nm]. Huawei's HiSilicon and Qualcomm are similar
by order proportion.
2020 下半年台積的7奈米產能會增加到140000 wpm,AMD的訂單會加倍,取代
TSMC's 7nm production capacity continues to rise. The industry expects
monthly capacity to reach 110,000 wafers in 1H'2020. The top 5 customers by
order proportion are: Apple, HiSilicon, Qualcomm, AMD, and Mediatek. Except
for Mediatek, order share is split at roughly 20% each, depending on
seasonality. Mediatek's share is around 13%.
隨著台積電產能的增加,上半年7奈米產能會來到110000 wafers。
However, with 7nm capacity rising to 140,000 wpm in 2H'2020, and the largest
customer Apple migrating to 5nm with the A14 processor, customer ranking by
7nm orders will be re-shuffled. In one fell swoop, AMD booked capacity for
30,000 wafers, accounting for 21% of total capacity. HiSilicon and Qualcomm's
orders are similar, at 17-18%. Mediatek's share also rose to 14%.
然後隨著下半年7奈米產能增加到140000 wpm,蘋果移到5奈米製程,7奈米客戶訂單
會重新洗牌,AMD已經訂了30000 wafers的訂單,佔21%. 海思和高通各佔17-18%
At present, Samsung's 7nm production capacity is roughly 150,000 wpm. It is
also actively increasing 7nm capacity. According to industry rumors, Samsung
plans to quadruple capacity in 2020. Nvidia and Qualcomm's next-generation
products may be produced using Samsung's 7nm EUV process, but details remain
to be seen.
目前三星的7奈米產能為150000 wpm,而且不斷地再增加中。2020年三星計畫把它的
※ 引述《RBTMLhiy (科心人)》之銘言:
: 美晶片廠爆慘況!台積電竟中槍?
: 00:032020/01/03 中時電子報 吳美觀
: 1.原文連結:
: 2.原文內容:
: 超微(AMD)去年11月下旬發表桌上型處理器Ryzen 9 3950X,才上市1個多月就陷入缺

: 潮,外界好奇究竟是產品供不應求?還是供應鏈產能吃緊?超微澄清,不是代工廠台積

: 產能問題,而是市場需求爆棚超乎預期,來不及因應。
: Ryzen 9 3950X為有史以來最強大的16核心桌上型處理器,滿足狂熱級遊戲玩家需求,

: 效能不僅比前一代處理器提升22%,在1080p遊戲與內容創作的速度也都超越對手,享受

: 對手高達2倍的能源效率比,由於採用「Zen 2」架構打造,TDP僅105瓦,帶來出色的功

: 比表現。
: Ryzen 9 3950X自11月底推出以來,熱賣到嚴重缺貨,在大陸更有不少經銷商或黃牛加

: 出售,引發玩家不滿。事實上,超微高階處理器過去也曾發生買不到的情況,若玩家不

: 的話,建議不妨再等等,別讓荷包過度失血。
: 至於3950X為何造成這波缺貨潮?快科技報導,超微技術長(CTO)Mark Papermaster表

: ,代工廠台積電7奈米產能沒問題,雙方在7奈米的合作上相當緊密,這番話似乎打臉

: 前傳聞,指台積電7奈米產能不給超微而優先給蘋果、華為的情事。
: 他指出,超微首次推出高性能Ryzen處理器,市場需求火熱,超乎他們預期,碓實是有

: 準備不足。
: (中時電子報)
: 3.心得/評論:
: 這明明是利多消息,為什麼標題要寫得這麼負面?
: 五樓看了這篇明天就去做空。
作者: minazukimaya (水無月真夜)   2020-01-03 11:26:00
三星是 15000 wpm提到60000 報導多一個零
作者: MatsuiHideki (弦外之音)   2020-01-03 11:46:00
三星乖乖做memory就好 不再需要出來刷存在感
作者: longkiss0618 (劍舞北極)   2020-01-03 17:09:00
去年跟教主買 今年等數錢

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