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2020-05-18 23:18:29※ 引述《Dimitre (迪米崔)》之銘言:
: 1.原文連結:
: ※過長無法點擊者必須縮網址
: https://reurl.cc/GVGreD
: 2.原文內容:
: Moderna’s closely watched early-stage human trial for a coronavirus vaccine
: produced Covid-19 antibodies in all 45 participants, the biotech company
: announced Monday.
: Each participant was assigned to receive a 25 microgram, 100 mcg or 250 mcg
: dose, with 15 people in each dose group. Study participants received two
: doses of the potential vaccine via intramuscular injection in the upper arm
: approximately 28 days apart. Data on a second dose was not available for the
: 250 mcg group, the company said.
: At day 43, or two weeks following the second dose, levels of binding
: antibodies in the 25 mcg group were at the levels generally seen in blood
: samples from people who recovered from the disease, the company said.
: Antibodies in the 100 mcg had antibodies that “significantly exceeded levels
: ” in recovered patients.
: The vaccine also produced neutralizing antibodies against Covid-19 in at
: least eight participants, the company said. Four participants were assigned
: to receive a 25 microgram dose, while the other four received 100 mcg. Levels
: of neutralizing antibodies were at or above levels in blood samples, the
: company said. Data on neutralizing antibodies for the other participants were
: not yet available, Moderna said.
: “These interim Phase 1 data, while early, demonstrate that vaccination with
: mRNA-1273 elicits an immune response of the magnitude caused by natural
: infection starting with a dose as low as 25 μg,” Tal Zaks, the chief
: medical officer at Moderna, said in s statement.
: “When combined with the success in preventing viral replication in the lungs
: of a pre-clinical challenge model at a dose that elicited similar levels of
: neutralizing antibodies, these data substantiate our belief that mRNA-1273
: has the potential to prevent COVID-19 disease and advance our ability to
: select a dose for pivotal trials,” Zaks added.
: There are formally approved treatments for Covid-19, which has killed at
: least 315,225 and sickened 4.7 million people worldwide since emerging from
: the Chinese city of Wuhan more than 4 months ago, according to data compiled
: by Johns Hopkins University.
: Moderna has been fast-tracking work with the National Institutes of Health,
: an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, to develop a
: vaccine.
: The company said the vaccine was generally safe and well tolerated.
: The potential vaccine by Moderna contains genetic material called messenger
: RNA, or mRNA, that was produced in a lab. The mRNA is a genetic code that
: tells cells what to build — in this case, an antigen that may induce an
: immune response for the virus.
: The phase 1 trial took place at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health
: Research Institute in Seattle, Washington. It tested the vaccine on 45 males
: and non-pregnant females between the ages of 18 and 55.
: 3.心得/評論:
: ※必需填寫滿20字
: 粗略翻譯
: Moderna公布早期臨床試驗報告
: 45個受試者分為25mg ,100mcg, 250mcg不等劑量疫苗的組別
: 每組各15個
: 所有受試者除了250mcg的以外都隔一個月施打兩劑
: 在研究的第43天 25mcg的受試者體內的抗體量跟得過COVID-19又痊癒的人一樣
: 100mcg的受試者體內抗體量遠多於痊癒的人
: 少數受試者甚至有能直接對抗COVID病毒的抗體
: Moderna目前盤前大漲25% 小道直接噴到600點
: 明天台股又要噴出了嗎
: 國光生 高端疫苗又怎麼走?