[新聞] USO被唯一期貨經紀RBC通知 不能再買部位

作者: z22744388 (熊熊)   2020-05-24 21:41:46
A wildly popular oil ETF has been cut off by its broker from buying futures, l
imiting its ability to meet its investment objective (USO)
RBC Capital Markets has informed United States Commodity Funds, the operator o
f the USO ETF, that they may no longer hold positions in or buy oil futures co
ntracts until further notice, according to a Thursday SEC filing made by the E
As a result of RBC's actions, USO says it may hold larger amounts of treasurie
s and cash, "which will further impair USO's ability to meet its investment ob
jective," according to the filing.
Following unprecedented volatility in the oil markets, which briefly caused oi
l prices to turn negative last month,乸 wildly popular trading ETF has been ba
rred by its broker from buying or holding oil futures contracts. That will lim
it its ability to meet its investment objective, according to an SEC filing su
bmitted on Thursday.
USO, an ETF owned and operated by United States Commodity Funds, was informed
by its only Futures Commission Merchants, RBC Capital Markets, that it is proh
ibited from holding or buying oil futures contracts until further notice.?
According to the filing, "RBC has indicated that such limitation on USO is a r
esult of RBC's own internal risk management requirements and directions it has
received from other regulators in the United States, Canada, and the United K
In the mean time, USO has been looking to enter additional FCM agreements so i
t can resume purchasing oil futures contracts, but has yet to enter an agreeme
The restrictions from RBC are impairing USO's ability to meet its investment o
"[USO] may be required to invest in other permitted investments including othe
r oil-related interests and may hold larger amounts of Treasuries, cash and ca
sh equivalents, which will further impair USO's ability to meet its investment
objective," the filing said.
USO's investment objective is to track a benchmark of short-term oil futures c
ontracts that closely reflect the spot price of crude oil.
The USO ETF is "still trading and able to rebalance and roll its portfolio," U
nited States Commodity Funds CEO John Love said,乸ccording to FT.
USO has seen an explosion in popularity among traders.
Data from Robintrack.net shows that the number of Robinhood accounts that own
the USO ETF surged more than 2000%, from ~8,000 in early February to more than
170,000 today.
Despite being down -75% year-to-date, assets under management in USO have more
than quadrupled from $1 billion in early 2020 to $4.6 billion today, accordin
g to data from YCharts.
另外分享 youtuber Fed Observer的影片
7:00 講這次油價下跌,散戶一窩蜂進追蹤油期的ETF,導致要一直買進期貨部位儘可能達
8:50 負油價事件後回,ETF發行商兩個做法 -無法長期負荷虧損不玩了或是改變策略
11:50 講本文RBC通知
最後也提到Hedge Fund看到散戶一窩蜂搶進就大空,因為他們知道發生什麼情況,結論還

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