uni1 (A Clean Slate)
2020-08-21 12:58:54以下是我看到 TD AMeritrade 的說明
If you buy AAPL or TSLA shares after the record dates
but before Aug. 31, you will purchase shares at the presplit price.
Following the split, you will receive the additional shares resulting
from the stock split.
For example, if on Aug. 26 you buy 100 AAPL shares at $400 per share
(and hold them through the open on Aug. 31), you will pay $40,000.
You will receive 300 additional shares after the stock split, and the
price will be reduced to the post-split price.
※ 引述《pkwelly (新街國小小小郭)》之銘言:
: 這篇借回一下...
: TESLA - 新聞
: 截至8月21日的所有在冊股東,其所持有的每股特斯拉股票,
: 將在本月28日交易結束後分拆成5股,並在31日起以分拆後的股數交易。
: 所以今天以前的股票都可以分成5份
: 但是在28日之後
: 那中間24~28這五天工作日會暫停交易?
: 還是會發生什麼事情呢?