Re: [其他] 手上有GME的貼出對帳單發P幣

作者: yosukefish (yosukefish)   2021-01-30 00:18:52
有資深redditor可以幫忙post嗎 我試過了 我太新無法post
feel free to edit.
Taiwan redditors support WSB.
translation for one article from the PTT netizens:
Who gots GME! Show me what you got!
Let the redditors see the support from Taiwan!
Yesterday, RH joined the WallStreet to gamble with the retards. They loose t
hen they cheated.
It went too far.
Motherfucker myself have enough money so I decide to buy one super expensive
movie ticket to see this show.
(FT did not allow me to buy the second one. The motherfucker Wall Street hed
ge fund manager.)
How many opportunities in one life can you have to participate and contribut
e the history moment?
After 20 years later, my son will ask me “papa, have you ever participate a
ny event that change the history?”
I will answer
“I haven’t been in Tiananmen Square in 1989,
I haven’t been in Berlin Wall in 1989,
I haven’t been in Wuhan seafood market 2019,
But I have purchased the GME stock in 2021.”
Comment here with your GME. I will randomly choose ten people to give 300 Pt
t coins as rewards.
※ 引述《siberia (釘子要打進去啦!!)》之銘言
: [標的]GME
: 讓美國Ptt Reddit看見台灣
: 全世界的鄉民起來吧!
: 昨天券商聯手華爾街輸牌就翻桌。
: 超過我的底限。
: 反正老子錢還夠。買個一張高價戲院入場券。
: (買完FT就不讓買第二張了,他媽的華爾街基金管理人)
: 人生在世,有多少機會參與歷史時刻。
: 過了二十年,小孩問我: 爸爸,你有參與過改變歷史的舞台嗎?
: 我沒有去過1989的天安門廣場,
: 我沒有去過1989的柏林圍牆
: 我沒有去過2019的武漢海鮮市場
: 但是我2021買過GME
: 推文有圖持有GME的,隨機抽出10個人發300P!
: 有人可以把這一篇翻譯一下,貼到Reddit WSB版嗎?
作者: Akitsukineko (跌死的貓 Death the Neko)   2021-01-30 00:29:00
太長 帶政治色彩 大概直接被mod擋下wsb已經有發過避免政治色彩內容

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