iio ( )
2021-07-09 15:44:14※ 引述《kech9111 (= =)》之銘言:
: 看到水手說拜登沒要搞海運運價只有陸運,還說行政命令還沒要簽,也有人說海事委員會
: 主席說壓抑運價沒用
: 去查了外電
: https://reurl.cc/W3blQD
: 內文重點
: 聯邦海事委員會主席對白宮的行政命令表示歡迎,呼籲司法部幫助 FMC 調查海運承運人
: 向托運人收取不合理的費率和費用。
: 該行政命令呼籲聯邦海事委員會打擊不公正和不合理收費,並與司法部合作調查和懲處反
: 競爭行為。
: 現在是司法和行政部門都要出動了
: 航運龍頭馬士基也連跌兩天了
: https://i.imgur.com/fSgoiQw.jpg
來 這是第二段
簡單的說 華爾街 : 沒用~ 問題出在於供需失衡不是壟斷啦
Industry consolidation not the problem?
Wall Street questioned the move by the White House, pointing out that a surge
in demand – not industry consolidation – has caused rates to climb. The
issue, according to an equity note published by investment firm Stifel, “has
little to do with consolidation and everything to do with weak demand
pre-pandemic not incentivizing building new ships. Given its low barriers to
entry, the implications to the shipping market are virtually nonexistent.”
Maffei acknowledged that the current demand for imports is unprecedented. “
That’s the lion’s share of this current crisis,” he said. However, he
pushed back on the argument that a lack of competition is not at least part
of the problem.
“When you have a demand spike and there is full competition – meaning
anyone can come in and satisfy that demand immediately with more capacity –
there is not an issue,” he said.
But that is not the case in the container shipping and rail sectors, Maffei
pointed out.
“Railroads have to lay track, container carriers have to build ships, and
that takes time. So by having a more consolidated industry, you set the stage
for some of the price increases that we’ve seen. They’re not due directly
to a lack of competition, but they’re related to it.”