※ 引述《RolfP (TPE)》之銘言:
: https://reurl.cc/qgAWXg
: An options trader bets $7.5 million on breaking into AMD
: 原文內容:
: AMD shares are pulling back Thursday after hitting yet another all-time high,
: and one options trader is betting that the chipmaker’s stock will fall by
: nearly 25%.
: One major trade stuck out among the rest.
: “Ten-thousand contracts of the October 115/90-put spread traded for about
: $7.50, so this particular trader laid out $7.5 million to bet that AMD will
: return back toward the 200-day moving average, which is just a bit below the
: AMD was trading about 6% lower on Thursday.
: 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿20字
: 有沒高手能講下期權交易的部份??
: 簡單翻譯下 有錯請指正
: 有期權交易員看空amd的股價,花了750萬美元賭amd回到200日均線下的價格
: 大約在85-90美元左右
: 這是看好我大intel牙膏一次噴發還是看衰合併案???
: 個人是猜後者可能性較大
: 雖然今天的5600g/5700g價格一點都不香QQ
: 召喚教主~~~~~
Put Spread 115/90
文中指的這個人付了7.5 million 所以他是 買115/賣90 的一萬個spread contract
每個contract付了 7.5鎂
當AMD跌到90以下 他的contract spread大約賺:
一般有這麼大量的期權賭注 通常都會發生(我沒說內線XD)