[新聞] DP World 董事長表示,供應鏈瓶頸將持續

作者: paulnorton4 (康公康)   2021-10-02 18:44:50
Supply chain bottlenecks will linger until 2023, DP World chairman says
DP World 董事長表示,供應鏈瓶頸將持續到 2023 年
發布時間:Oct 2, 2021
Supply chain bottlenecks that disrupted global trade during the Covid-19
pandemic will linger until 2023, says Sultan bin Sulayem, chairman and chief
executive of ports operator DP World.
港口運營商 DP World 董事長兼首席執行官 Sultan bin Sulayem 表示,在 Covid-19 大
流行期間擾亂全球貿易的供應鏈瓶頸將持續到 2023 年。
“Short term we dealt with it, long term it will linger with us for a while,”
he told CNN’s Connect The World programme at the Expo 2020 site in Dubai on
週五,他在迪拜 2020 年世博會現場對 CNN 的Connect The World節目說:“短期內我們
“Look at China, China is locked down. And every time there is an incident, a
Covid case, a whole port will be locked down. And this will continue for a
“看看中國,中國被封鎖了。每次發生事件,Covid 案例,整個港口都會被封鎖。而且這
The global supply chain was in crisis at the beginning of the pandemic, the
DP World chairman said in a separate interview with Bloomberg TV on Friday. “
Maybe in 2023 we’ll see an easing,” he said.
DP World 主席週五在接受彭博電視採訪時表示,全球供應鏈在大流行之初就處於危機之
中。“也許在 2023 年我們會看到緩和,”他說。
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted significant challenges in the sector, with
many cargo owners struggling to find containers to move their goods to keep
pace with demand and overcome labour disruptions.
Covid-19 大流行凸顯了該行業面臨的重大挑戰,許多貨主努力尋找集裝箱來運輸貨物,
Congestion at major container freight ports last month disrupted shipping
operations and is leading to stagnation in global trade, Kiel Trade Indicator
data shows. Bottlenecks in global shipping have increased costs and are
threatening to reduce the pace of trade growth, Kiel Institute for the World
Economy said.
Kiel Trade Indicator數據顯示,上個月主要集裝箱貨運港口的擁堵擾亂了航運業務,並
Supply chain shortages and subsequent delays have caused the cost of shipping
goods to skyrocket, Mr bin Sulayem said.
bin Sulayem 先生說,供應鏈短缺和隨後的延誤導致運輸貨物的成本飆升。
Freight rates will continue to increase and the “shipping lines are having
an amazing time”, he told Bloomberg TV.
“Today, you’re lucky to find an empty container. From $7,000, a container
from the West Coast of America to China or the Far East, it’s now $30,000.
These are unheard of costs, but people need products and supply chains have
to fulfil it,” he told CNN.
“今天,你很幸運能找到一個空容器。從 7,000 美元,一個集裝箱從美國西海岸到中國
或遠東,現在是 30,000 美元。這是聞所未聞的成本,但人們需要產品和供應鏈來滿足它
,”他告訴 CNN。
This will lead to people questioning whether everything needs to be
manufactured in the Far East, Mr bin Sulayem said.
bin Sulayem 先生說,這將導致人們質疑是否所有東西都需要在遠東製造。
“I believe the pandemic taught us something and gave us opportunities,” he
The chairman of the global ports operator, one of the world's largest, said
there’s huge potential in India. “Africa continues to grow and there’s
also South-east Asia, mainly Indonesia,” he said.
DP World expanded its logistics footprint in India last year by acquiring
feeder and trade operators to serve fast-growing markets. Unifeeder –
through its Unifeeder Indian subcontinent arm that is majority owned by DP
World – acquired Transworld Feeders and Avana Logistek in 2020.
DP World 去年通過收購支線和貿易運營商來擴大其在印度的物流足跡,以服務於快速增
長的市場。Unifeeder——通過其在 DP World 擁有多數股權的 Unifeeder 印度次大陸分
支——於 2020 年收購了 Transworld Feeders 和 Avana Logistek。
The ports operator said in July it plans to buy South Africa’s Imperial
Logistics for $890 million. Its existing investments in Africa include
projects in Egypt, Algeria, Djibouti, Rwanda, Somaliland, Mozambique and
Senegal, according to the company’s website.
這家港口運營商在 7 月份表示,計劃以8.9 億美元收購南非的帝國物流。據該公司網站
Meanwhile, Mr bin Sulayem, who is also the chairman of Virgin Hyperloop, a
high-speed transport system for goods and passengers, said he is confident
the technology can be implemented soon.
與此同時,兼任貨物和乘客高速運輸系統 Virgin Hyperloop 董事長的 bin Sulayem 先
“It’s not decades, it’s years,” he said on the time it would take before
the first passengers travel by Hyperloop.
“So I will see it either in India at first, or in Saudi Arabia at the
moment. Our hope is that when we achieve economy of scale and you have longer
routes and it is popular, probably for the speed of an aeroplane, you will
pay with the price of a truck,” he told CNN.
付,”他告訴 CNN。
DP World is the largest shareholder in the US-based Virgin Hyperloop and
plans to use the system to transport cargo in the future.
DP World 是總部位於美國的 Virgin Hyperloop 的最大股東,併計劃在未來使用該系統
“I look at this from an investment point of view as really an insurance
against disruption. The biggest risk today is technology disruption. And if
they are disrupted and you do anything about it, that’s a problem,” he said.
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作者: apolloapollo (apollo)   2021-10-02 18:54:00

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