[情報] 赫伯羅特前三季淨獲利爆增10倍

作者: icedog122 (冰狗)   2021-11-12 16:56:57
1. 標題:Hapag-Lloyd nine-month net profit soars 10-fold on record freight rates
2. 來源:yahoo
3. 網址:https://reurl.cc/l54Mal Fri, November 12, 2021, 3:09 PM
4. 內文:(只擷取部分英文原文 因內容太多 有興趣者自行點選上述網址)
The world's fifth biggest operator said net profit climbed to 5.6 billion
euros ($6.41 billion) in the January-September period, from 538 million euros
a year earlier.
世界第五大貨櫃商 前三季淨利爬升至56億歐元 比去年的5.38億 爆增了10倍之多
It expects earnings momentum to remain at a high level for the rest of the
year while operators and customers across the globe will face more severe
infrastructure bottlenecks due to the coronavirus crisis which has disrupted
supply chains.
第四季預期仍是賺到翻 因新冠疫情阻斷供應鏈 面臨越來越嚴重的全球基礎設施的瓶頸
Global supply chains are under enormous pressure from delays due to logjams
at ports.
就是二個字: 塞港 !!!
心得: HLAG現在正大噴 挑戰新高235.6 不過目前好像被出貨中 跟台灣劇本很像@@
ZIM 11/17開財報 要吃豆腐的這幾天還有機會買低...
作者: BruceChen227 (BruceChen0227)   2021-11-12 18:53:00
作者: Jerrylin1212 (jerrylin)   2021-11-12 19:08:00

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