[新聞] 美泰兒獲得迪士尼玩具合約

作者: nivii (上海東西有夠貴der)   2022-01-26 20:38:56
原文標題:Mattel Wins Disney Toy Deal, Joining Elsa of ‘Frozen’ With Barbie
發布時間:1/26 8:00pm
原文內容:Cin derella, Elsa and their friends are mov ing back in with Bar bie.
Mat tel Inc. has won the li cense to pro duce toys based on Walt Dis ney Co.’s princess lineup and from the re cent block buster “Frozen” fran chise, wrest ing the prop er ties back from its ri val Has bro Inc., ac cord ing to Mat tel ex ec u tives.
The deal re unites the char ac ters with their pre vi ous home. Mat tel lost the li cense to Has bro in 2016, a fi nan cial and sym bolic set back that pre cip i tated a pe riod of four chief ex ec u tive of fi cers at Mat tel and com pound ing chal lenges as they tried to fill the $440 mil lion hole from los ing the busi ness.
Much has changed since then. Mat tel CEO Ynon Kreiz, who joined in 2018, has sta bi lized op er a tions with over $1 bil lion in cost cuts, over hauled lead er ship, re vived key brands such as Bar bie and re built re la tion ships with Hol ly wood stu dios. Since the day the Dis ney prop er ties walked away, Mat tel ex ec u tives vowed to win them back.
Mat tel will start sell ing new Dis ney toys in 2023, and the busi ness will be man aged by the same group that has over seen Bar bie’s come back. Fi nan cial terms of the deal weren’t dis closed.
Has bro de clined to com ment on los ing the Dis ney princess and “Frozen” line but said it re newed its Star Wars li cense re cently and will soon start mak ing In di ana Jones toys too. Both are prop er ties of Lu cas film, which is owned by Dis ney.
心得/評論: 兩大玩具龍頭的版權爭奪戰也是很猛,不過迪士尼最近真的是被串流拖累,遊樂園經營沒有起色玩具賣得也少,就看能不能再弄幾部賣座的電影衝一下業績。

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