peter98 (新兵)
2022-02-04 06:08:11賺爛了沒有
今天別亂跌的話 直接上3,500 舒服
好惹 帶到這邊 大家掰
※ 引述《peter98 (新兵)》之銘言:
: 1. 標的: (例 2330.TW 台積電)
: 2. 分類:多/空/討論/心得
: Strong buy
: 3. 分析/正文:
: Current price: 3,0xx
: Potentially grows to: 3,500
: Risk: rate hike + tight monetary policy + AWS market share
: Why bullish:
: - Q3 results indicated a slowdown in Q4, but now it is expected an increase of
: 9.x% in revenue now. Going to the moon.
: - Q4 review will be happening on Thurs.
: - Current AMZN is undervalued, undoubtedly.
: 4. 進退場機制:(非長期投資者,必須有停損機制。討論、心得類免填)
: Sell 1/3 shares when the price reaches 3,300; 1/3, 3,400; 1/3, 3,500
: Or sell them all when AMZN is delisted