golang (Gopher)
2022-03-17 02:06:461. 標題
美國2018以來首次升息 0.25% 1碼
2. 來源: (公司名、網站名)
Yahoo Finance
3. 網址: (請善用縮網址工具)
4. 內文:
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised short-term interest rates for the
first time since 2018, as high inflation pushes the central bank to pull back on its extraordinary
pandemic-era support.
The U.S. central bank lifted its benchmark Federal Funds Rate by 0.25%, to a
target range of between 0.25% and 0.50%.
FED上調聯邦基金利率 0.25% (從0.25% -> 0.50%)
The next policy-setting meeting is scheduled for May 3-4.
下一次會議是 5/3 - 5/4