1. 標的: NVDA.US
2. 分類: 討論
3. 正文:
22Q4財報 (yoy %)
Revenue $6.05b, down 21%
GM 63.3%, down 2.1%
OpEx $2.58b, down 58%
Op Income $1.26b, down 53%
EPS $0.57, down 52%
DC $3.62b, +11%
Gaming $1.83b, down 46%
ProVis $226m, down 65%
Auto/Em $294m, +135%
Cash/Cash Eq $13.3b, down from $21.2b
Accounts Receivable, $3.8b, down from $4.6b
Inventory $5.1b, up from $2.6b
Other Asset $791m, up from $366m
23Q1 guidance
Q1 Revenue $6.5b, +/- 2%
GAAP GM 64.1%
GAAP OPex $2.53b
Tax rate 13.0%
"Inventory was $5.16 billion, or DSI of 212, primarily to support the ramp of
new products in Data Center and Gaming.
4. 進退場機制:(非長期投資者,必須有停損機制。討論、心得類免填)