mongi (大體老屍)
2024-01-25 05:33:34特斯拉第四季營收低於預期 盤後大跌3%
(更新一下 目前盤後報價已經跌到195.63 跌5.87%)
Total revenue increased 3% from $24.3 billion a year earlier. Operating margin f
or the quarter came in at 8.2%, down from the year-ago quarter's figure of 16% a
nd slightly higher than 7.6% in the prior quarter.
While other U.S. automakers struggled to make and sell a high volume of fully el
ectric vehicles last year, Tesla reported 484,507 deliveries in the fourth quart
er and more than 1.8 million for 2023. Hefty price cuts helped Tesla achieve tha
t number, which was a record for the company.
Net income for the quarter more than doubled to $7.9 billion from $3.7 billion a
year earlier.
During the quarter, Tesla began selling Cybertrucks to customers. The company sa
id in its investor presentation that, "We expect the ramp of Cybertruck to be lo
nger than other models given its manufacturing complexity."
Tesla's labor costs are rising in the U.S.. In order to make its wages competiti
ve versus automakers like General Motors, Ford and Stellantis, where employees a
re represented by the United Auto Workers, Tesla recently rolled out pay increas
es for many of its hourly factory employees in the U.S.