原文標題:Coke is returning to Costco’s food courts. Pepsi is out
記者署名:Nathaniel Meyersohn
Coca-Cola lovers for more than a decade were forced to wash down their $1.50
hot dogs at Costco’s food courts with Pepsi. But Costco plans to bring back
Coca-Coca at its food court soda fountains this summer and ditch its
“We will be converting our food court fountain business back over to
Coca-Cola,” Costco CEO Ron Vachris said Thursday at the company’s annual
shareholders meeting.
Rumors had been swirling that Costco planned to make the switch. A
shareholder asked Vachris if the food court was “truly switching back to
Coke products.”
Costco solicits bids from companies for its fountain drink business at food
courts, and Pepsi has been awarded the fountain soda contract since 2013. The
deal is not just for the machines and syrup in the sodas, but cups, straws
and other products.
Coke had been a mainstay of Costco food courts for decades, but Costco
switched to Pepsi in 2013.
“It’s a big shift,” a Costco executive said in 2013 when the company made
the change. Coke is the “only vendor we’ve ever had for the majority of the
business locations.”
At the time, Costco said it was making the switch to “preserve the integrity
” of Costco’s $1.50 hot-dog soda combination deal. The price has remained
the same since 1985, and Costco sold around 150 million of the hot dog-soda
combos last year.
The $1.50 hot dog price is a powerful marketing tool for Costco and has
become synonymous with Costco’s brand. Costco loses money on the deal, but
the company offsets these losses by raising prices on other goods it sells.
Costco has increased prices of pizzas and other items at its food courts.
“I know it sounds crazy making a big deal about a hot dog, but we spend a
lot of time on it,” Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal told the Seattle Times in
2009. “We’re known for that hot dog. That’s something you don’t mess with.
Sinegal also famously once said, “If you raise the effing hot dog, I will
kill you. Figure it out,” according to former CEO Craig Jelinek.
Costco’s chief financial officer reassured inflation-weary customers last
year not to worry about the price of the combo, saying the $1.50 price was “
過去十多年,Costco 美食廣場僅供應 Pepsi,但今年夏天 Coca-Cola 將重返飲料機,取
代 Pepsi。Costco 自 2013 年轉用 Pepsi 以維持 1.50 美元熱狗加飲料組合的價格,該
價格自 1985 年以來未曾調漲。儘管這組合虧損,Costco 透過提高其他商品價格彌補,
並將熱狗組合視為品牌象徵。創辦人 Jim Sinegal 曾堅決表示:「熱狗價格不容改動。
」現任 CFO 也保證,1.50 美元的價格「安全無虞」。
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