Intel already spent billions on delayed New Albany chip factory, new report
Intel's first Ohio factories may be delayed several years, but the chipmaker
has already spent billions of dollars to make its plants a reality at the New
Albany site in Licking County.
根據上週提交給俄亥俄州發展部的進度報告,截至 2024 年底,英特爾已花費 37 億美元
,並簽署了另外 32 億美元的合同,這意味著該公司已經承擔了約 69 億美元的責任。該
As of the end of 2024, Intel spent $3.7 billion and has signed contracts for
another $3.2 billion in work meaning the company is already on the hook for
roughly $6.9 billion, according to a progress report filed with the Ohio
Department of Development last week. The report, which is part of the
Megaproject Tax Credit Agreement that Intel has with Ohio, is filed annually.
130,000 立方碼混凝土,並已開始安裝 600 根柱子和 320 塊板。工人們也已開始拼湊第
一家工廠屋頂的鋼桁架。舉例來說,13 萬立方碼相當於在一英畝的土地上澆築一塊近
27 英尺高的固體混凝土塊。
On the first of two fabs Intel intends to open on the site, construction
workers have already poured 130,000 cubic yards of concrete and have begun
installing 600 columns and 320 slabs, according to the report. Workers have
also begun piecing together the steel trusses of the roof for the first
factory. For context, 130,000 cubic yards would equate to pouring a nearly
27-foot solid concrete block over an acre.
根據該公司的報告,工人們已在第二座工廠澆築了約 50,000 立方碼的混凝土,並安裝了
兩台起重機來幫助建造第二座工廠。景觀美化也於 2024 年開始,該公司在整個場地種植
了 4,500 多棵樹和 1,400 多棵灌木。
On its second fab, workers have poured around 50,000 cubic yards of concrete
and two cranes have been installed to help build the second facility,
according to the company's report. Landscaping also began in 2024 with the
company planting more than 4,500 trees and 1,400 shrubs across the property.
英特爾與俄亥俄州發展部達成協議,向該公司提供 3 億美元的補助金,用於協助建造每
家工廠,前提是這些工廠必須在 2028 年底前完工。
An agreement between Intel and the Ohio Department of Development offered the
company $300 million in grants to help with the construction of each factory,
as long as they were completed by the end of 2028.
The progress report for the first time also revealed that Intel delayed the
opening of its first semiconductor factory to 2030 or 2031.
英特爾第一家工廠原計劃於 2025 年開始運營,到正式投產時,將面臨至少五六年的延遲
By the time it opens, Intel's first factory will have faced at least five or
six years of delays, as it was originally scheduled to begin operating in
2025. Intel's second Ohio factory won't be completed until at least 2031 and
will begin running in 2032, according to the company.