miserere (定,靜,安,慮,得)
2014-07-30 22:08:17因之前徵到的其中一位,一直沒出現
1. 自介:新竹上班族3人
2. 對象:對英文口說有熱誠,可以英文表達想法,可長期參與,每月可最多請假一次
3. 目標:增進英文口說能力,接觸各種主題
4. 原因:運行多年的口說團,2位團員因家庭因素無法繼續
5. 地點:新竹清大周邊
6. 時間:每星期二晚上19:00-21:00
7. 方式:英文單字Warm up->文章朗讀與討論
8. 範圍:All+約10~20頁
9. 人數限制:目前有4人,希望能再找1人
Hello there!
I joined an English practice group a few years ago, and we
have been running well for years! We were at first a group of 5 people who
did not know one another. Two of us are unfortunately leaving recently due to
career change, so now we are recruiting new members! We offer an English
corner where we share our perspectives, observations and experiences with our
members every Tuesday evening. In the gathering, we play a word game, recite
articles, and discuss what comes to our minds. Most of the time, our talks
are just free chats and do not go deep into an issue, but as you know it is
always nice to gather together with such lovely people!
About us
We were locally born in early or mid 1980s. Most of us got our degrees and
work at nearby universities and companies. Some with engineering background,
while some with social sciences.
About you
We welcome all of those who are interested in our group, but it is better if
you are:
* able to show up every Tuesday 19:00-21:00 (can be off at most once a
month). The meetup location is near National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu.
* able to afford a monthly magazine (All+), which is the source of our
* able to chat in English, and try not to use Chinese
* open-minded and easy-going, and you
* understand what I am talking about above without using Dr. Eye, Google
Translation or similarities
Ready to reply?
Please write me a few things about yourself. We can have a
little chat at our first gathering if you are willing to know more about this!
Please understand that I might not reply to you upon receiving your mail, but
I will reply to you after discussing with other members.