Re: [精進] [台北] iEnglishClub英語社團

作者: ellie53878 (藍白拖)   2016-05-03 12:49:54
※ 引述《sageinblack (sageinblack)》之銘言:
: 1.自介:
: Taipei Interactive Engish Club為非營利的英文讀書會及英文會話社團,於每週六下午
: 聚會提供會話及演講的全英文環境,成員大多以上班族及研究生為主。
: 想知道更多關於我們歡迎到:
: 我們的主頁
: 或FB粉絲頁:
: 記得按讚選擇接收通知才能即時收到iEnglish更新喔!
: 以下是我們聚會正常的時刻表及相關資訊。
: 2.運作規則:Agenda:
: 14:30-15:30 Session I: Current Events Discussion (News discussion/Free talk)
: + Feedback
: 15:30-15:40 Regrouping & Break
: 15:40-16:00 Speech Session
: 16:00-17:15 Session II: Article Discussion (Read the article for the best
: experience) + Feedback
: 17:15-17:30 Closing
: 3.範圍:
: Session 1: Any news or issues. ex: BBC, NYTimes, TED,,
: Speech Session: One of our members will share with us something he wishes
: everyone to know!
: This week, a member is going to share his opinions on credit cards selecting
: and reasons for doing so by knowing them extensively and clearly. Then, you
: will have a good idea of its operational processes and may save a penny after
: learning them well. Don’t worry, he is just an engineer who would like to
: share this good thing to all of you.Come on, join us! We believe it will
: bring you a practical lesson and make your day.
: Session 2: Weekly Article posted on our homepage ( with
: questions to facilitate discussion.
: This week, we will discuss on the topic of making choices with the help of
: TED Talk. Even though our daily life is filled with choices, we never seem to
: notice how our choice may differ depending on the way the choice is
: presented, and what how we think the options.
: 4.對象及目標:
: This club is for the ones that are keen to hone their reading and speaking
: skills.
: Welcome to introduce yourself on iEnglish forum if you're a newcomer!
: 5.原因:
: 建立一個練習英文聊天的輕鬆環境。用任何外語聊天是一個困難的技巧,也必須要有一個
: 比較不一樣的環境。所以我們在這裡要建立讓大家用英文做最平凡但最有樂趣的事情,那
: 就是聊天!在這裡,輕鬆就是王道!
: 6.時間及地點:
: Every Saturday Afternoon 14:30-17:30.
: 人性空間(捷運公館站4號出口)台北市羅斯福路三段286巷4弄1號
: 7.參加方式:會員輪流擔任Host/Speaker
: 不須事先報名。請閱讀當周文章思考過問題後直接參加即可!

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