1. 自介:I am Charlie, now working in Decathlon accounting department. I was
in Amsterdam for 6 months as an exchange student and also a backpacker 2 years
2. 對象:Looking for English-lover who has passoin or willing to chat in
Englsih. (If you like American sitcom would be better)
3. 目標:Sharpen English with Big fun
4. 原因:Motivation is to enjoy speaking English at all time and meet new
5. 地點:Caf'e in Taichung City (I will gather everyone's idea to make the
6. 時間:Once a weeek. (I will gather everyone's idea to decide the time)
7. 方式:Acting by speaking actor's line of sitcom "HIMYM"
8. 範圍:Season 1 to the end
9. 人數限制:6 to 8
10.解散條件:no enough participants to act
1. Mimic the actor of sitcom "HIMYM"
Each member can choose an actor to micmic actor's line by reading
the script. For example, if I choose to mimic the actor Ted Mosby, and I would
need to say his line whenever it's his part until one episode is over.
2. Feedback sharing
After an episode is over, everyone has to share feedback such as shortly talking
about the story in his/her own way, or any similar scene happened to you
before, or your favorite part in this episode, etc.
3. Free talk
Share anything happened to you in this week to break the ice.
Basically, that's what the game is. If you are interested, please contact
me. Line: cityjayjay; Email: [email protected]/*
gj73cy9 (哇嗚)
2016-10-18 18:48:00sitcom就是要推
lostt (事不過三!)
2016-10-19 01:58:00Good Luck Charlie!
Good Luck Charlie is one of my favorites!! They arerather hilarious AF!XDDDDDDDD