1. 自介:Richard, an English major/HR master
2. 對象:those who would like to practice conversation for 30 minutes a day
and sometimes would like to meet up around Taipei~
(brunch, hiking, etc)
3. 目標:to polish conversation skill
4. 原因:career improvement
5. 地點:mostly via line and sometimes offline and find somewhere around Taipei
6. 時間:10:30 to 11:00 pm for those who work late (from Mon to Fri)
8:00 to 8:30 am for those who get up early (from Mon to Fri)
Afternoon (sat.sun)
7. Those who want to practice shall be there once you decide to take part in
toeic 850 or higher is preferred
8. contact:add my line ID:0982-731-777, tell me your preferred time slot and begin our journey!