monmore (momo)
2019-08-17 21:31:57※ 引述《she192224 (努力學英文)》之銘言:
: (因新成員們參與度不如預期,故持續增員)
: Hi~各位喜歡英文的朋友們
: 期待您時常撥空主動分享東西(以便開啟話題),
: 就如同您平常會在Facebook或Instagram分享心情一樣容易,
: 或者回應夥伴們分享的東西。
: Note:
: 1.原則上不設限可分享的內容;各種語言的內容亦都歡迎。
: e.g.自己的日常瑣事、最近學到的單字、片語、佳句、圖片、音樂、影片、文章...etc.
: 2.您不須閱讀群組內所有的訊息,
: 您僅需要針對感興趣的訊息作出回應即可,或是主動分享您感興趣的東西。
: 3.您得要心臟比較堅強,要能接受您分享的東西,有時可能剛好大家都不感興趣,
: 所以沒有人給您回應,但這不是您或任何人的錯,是沒關係的。
: 4.一段時間沒有分享或沒有發言的朋友,
: 我們會視為沒有意願留下來一起學習。
: 若有特殊情形,例如出差或生病等等,請事前或於離開群組後向原PO請假,謝謝您!
: 5.請別害怕犯錯;歡迎夥伴們彼此糾正。
: 6.多益750以上,或同等英文能力者可能比較適合唷。
: After reading the aforementioned carefully,
: please think twice and make sure you will actively participate in the chat,
: then please send the original poster a PTT mail in English to elaborate on :
: A. self introduction
: B. What do you do on a regular basis to improve English?
: C. goals for spoken English
: D. inquiries and expectations about the group chat
: E. LINE ID (Please enable "Allow others to add by ID".)
: 請容許無法一一回覆來信唷,謝謝您。
A. self introduction
Hi my name is Mila. My TOEIC score is 770. Thanks for testing only reading and
listening, my writing and speaking are not good.
B. What do you do on a regular basis to improve English?
I listen to music and watch some dramas in English, and try to keep touching E
C. goals for spoken English
Speaking to natives fluently
D. inquiries and expectations about the group chat
I joined a face to face English group, but it’s hard to work around everyone
’s schedule.
E. LINE ID (Please enable "Allow others to add by ID".)
Thanks a lot