fluke31 (Legend TM International)
2022-08-28 08:14:551. 自介:Legend Toastmasters member
2. 對象:Anyone who likes to communicate with others
3. 目標:To learn public speaking skills
4. 原因:The most effective way for learning is to practice and teach others
5. 地點:豆‧拾光 (平鎮區延平路一段243號)
6. 時間:9/4(日) 10:00-12:00
7. 方式:可準時至現場, 或線上參加(請站內信)
8. 範圍:TBA
You can join https://www.facebook.com/groups/144538165790/
9. 人數限制:less than 4 guests.
11.運作規則:We have certain members and prearranged schedule,
we hope more people join us to learn different thinking together.