Premium meeting 提供全英文環境,並且擁有一起學習的夥伴可以互相幫助。
1. 如何清楚表達想法
2. 有效傳遞資訊
3. 梳理邏輯思維
4. 擁有勇氣自信自在說英文
我們在每月雙週一都有例會,跟我們一起打敗 Blue Monday,期待成長為更好的自己吧
請簡單準備個 15~20 秒的英文自我介紹喔(講什麼都可以,名字、怎哪裡工作/讀書)
實體地點:台北市中正區漢口街一段3號7樓(日富空間) | 4號空間 近台北車站Z6出口
同時提供免費 線上會議(Zoom): https://reurl.cc/6ZoGqk
個人會議 ID 347 328 1232、會議密碼 DivA2022
當日19:10 即可進場,如果無法入場請儘速聯絡我們。
酌收場地費$150 (以現場公告為主)
Theme: Travel
Question: What is the place you want to visit after the epidemic is over?
Date: Sep 12, 2022, Monday
Time: 19:10 -21:15
Location(Hybrid meeting):
Virtual meeting through (Zoom): ttps://reurl.cc/6ZoGqk
個人會議 ID 347 328 1232
會議密碼 DivA2022
The meeting link will be open at 19:10. If you can't enter the meeting room,
please contact us. See and speak with us soon.
We all looking forward to seeing you
More About【Toastmasters】//
What is a Toastmasters club 國際英文演講會(簡稱吐司)呢?
Our Toastmasters club is a group of people who help each other build
confidence, develop communication and leadership skills, and practice
speaking English more fluently.We do this through our meetings where
members get to conduct the meeting, deliver prepared and impromptu speeches
and give constructive speech evaluations.Our club is also a great place
to meet and connect with people from all walks of life.
So, if would like to experience our club, please feel free to attend one of
our meetings as a guest.
Our core values are: Happy / Friendship / Grow
Sincerely Yours,
Danny Hsu, Premium President
Patty Rao, Premium VPE
有興趣參加的伙伴請將 姓名 和 聯繫方式 站內寄信給我。
1. 姓名:
2. Email:
3. 聯繫電話(option):
4. Line ID(option):