不過如果真的有人朝你撞過來,下面書上寫的建議有兩種方法 (原文補在下方)
1. 烏龜翻
2. 放棄板子往底下游開
Stay Out of the Way of Oncoming Surfers
When paddling out, paddle around the waves and out of the path of other surfers. If a surfer is riding a wave toward you, paddle for the whitewater and turn turtle instead of paddling toward the unbroken shoulder. If you sprint toward the shoulder to avoid the whitewater, you will interfere with the surfer’s ride and risk a collision (see p. 109 for details). Even though experienced surfers can often maneuver around other surfers fairly easily, all it takes for a
collision is for one surfer to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If someone is about to run you over, the best thing to do is to turn turtle or swim for the bottom.
Robison, John (2010-05-07). Surfing Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Wave Riding (Kindle Locations 1573-1578). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.