<松竹梅 Competition>
Please take the taxi to Taipei main station and “request a receipt”
1. 俊廷 家振 銘臻 一凡 (從男七出發)
2. 小明 Spencer 李尚 陳國榮 (Please show up at 小明’s house at 5:15)
3. 吳蕙君 李明蓁 沈毅 郭建廷 (校門口出發)
4. Sam 黃諭憑 李澤軒 (男二出發)
Assembly: 5:40 at Taipei main station 西三門
6:02~6:37 Train
8:00 Competition starts
19:00 End of competition
19:24~20:01 Train
Dinner at Taipei
Carry-on Items: Swimming gears, towel, (yoga mets), student ID card, money (just in case)
並記得帶藍色的隊帽 舊生可以的話可以多帶一頂泳帽或蛙鏡借給新生